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Norah Burke and Renee Garner

#FiveForFriday: A Morning Minute News Round Up

This #FiveForFriday Morning Minute News Round Up is for the news week of March 2 through March 6, 2020.

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News Around Town: The Census is coming, Make sure you’re counted. Starting March 12, fill out the form online, by phone, or by mail. The results produce a snapshot of America—one that determines how congressional seats are divvied up and how state and federal dollars are distributed.

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News About Town: Did you hear the daffodils whispering that it’s a good time to sow peas? Did you know, it’s a general gardening rule that forsythia blooms when it’s time to plant lettuce? Turns out there’s something to old farm lore and the kinds of observations that make a correlation between plants. It’s called Phenology, the study of periodic plant and animal life cycles and their interaction with variations in climate and seasonal changes. Sow your seeds, the flowers are giving their permission.

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News About Town: If you’ve noticed the bare landscape around I-485 and John Street, it’s part of the I-485 express lanes project. NCDOT has planned improvements for the interchange. The I-485 Express Lanes project will add one express lane (an optional toll lane with congestion-based rates) in each direction along I-485 between I-77 and Independence Boulevard. The project also includes a new interchange at Weddington Road. Learn more here.

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News About Town: The proposed LYNX Silver Line, a 26-mile-long light rail corridor with 28 stations, will connect Matthews to downtown Charlotte, the airport, and to Belmont in the west. Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is hosting a public meeting at Matthews Town Hall on Tuesday, March 10 at 7:00 pm to kickoff the Pre-Project Development portion of the project. The meeting is an opportunity to learn more about the Silver Line design, Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), and Rail Trail (a parallel cycling/pedestrian-focused trail) opportunities.

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News About Town: The March 9 Board of Commissioners meeting agenda is available online. Item 14 A includes a list of items discussed at the recent Planning Conference. These are items and actions that the Board expressed interest in pursuing and may or may not come up during the remainder of the 2020/21 term. Items include collaborating with UNC Charlotte Urban Institute, pursuing additional park space as it may become available, and exploring land acquisition for a future fire station.

Morning Minute: Friday, February 21, 2020

News About Town: At the Monday (February 24) meeting the Board of Commissioners and attendees will hear a presentation on the Stevens Creek Subarea Study. Stevens Creek Nature Preserve is a 270+ acre park and preserve located east of Matthews, in Mint Hill. The Subarea Study first examined existing modes of transportation in the area, then looked for areas of improvement with safety, connectivity, and other Town visions (see page 7 of the presentation document). Paid for by the town and a matching planning grant provided by the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO), the study also provides suggestions for funding the implementation of the results.

Image via Unsplash

Image via Unsplash

News Around Town: Anybody else spend the evening hitting refresh, waiting on news from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools for an inclement weather update? With rain, sleet, snow, and temperatures that hovered around freezing, black ice is a concern. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools are closed. If you’re planning on voting, make sure to check the Mecklenburg Board of Elections website for closures of early voting sites.

One Good Thing: Love cheese? Join the club. Literally. The Loyalist Market recently unveiled their brand new cheese club and you have until the end of this month to sign up. Available on March 25th, subscribers can stop by the Loyalist to pick up a custom gift box that includes a tasting book for notes and commentary, cheese information, and three all-new kinds of cheese to chomp. Visit and click on Cheese Club to start your subscription!

Morning Minute: Thursday, February 20, 2020

News About Town: The February 24, 2020 Board of Commissioners’ agenda is available online. The meeting should be relatively short since not many planning items are included. The discussion surrounding the rezoning of the Brace YMCA will likely be the lengthiest discussion. With the Weddington/485 ramp construction taking the current soccer fields, the Board must decide if rezoning for a condition change is appropriate. The meeting will begin at 7 pm in the Hood Room of Town Hall. Public comment is accepted towards the beginning of the meeting. Sign-up to speak before the meeting begins on the form outside the doors to the Hood Room.

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Image via Unsplash

News Around Town: Following the winter storm, today’s forecast looks like a mix of sleet and rain throughout the day. Warm surface temps will probably prevent accumulation, but overnight temps Thursday night will dip well below freezing, causing black ice Friday morning. Have kids in school and unsure about closures? Follow CMS on Facebook for updated info.

One Good Thing: Have a habit of sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong? You’ve got nothing on Pinocchio. The puppet-turned-boy is performing at the Matthews Playhouse this weekend and next and we’ve got a pair of tickets. Want a chance to win? Answer our Facebook poll. (Not on Facebook? High fives to you! Send us your opinion: SnOMG or SnoWay?)

Morning Minute: Wednesday, February 19, 2020

News About Town: NCDOT began work clearing storm debris from the right-of-way along John Street and Highway 51 yesterday. Along town roads, property owners are responsible for storm clean up. There are many piles that need to be picked up. Please remember the rules for yard waste:

  • Branches and limbs must be cut in lengths of four feet or less and can be no larger than five inches in diameter.

  • Debris must be stacked in small enough piles that an individual is able to pick up with a pitchfork at the curb.

  • Smaller yard waste including; brush, tree & shrub trimmings, and leaves need to be bagged in clear bags, or other bags left open so the driver can see the contents.

  • Do not leave bagged yard waste or limbs and branches blocking the sidewalk or in the street.


News Around Town: Orange tubes have been popping up all over Matthews for many months now in what looks like utilities are stitching the ground throughout Matthew. Those orange tubes are conduits for fiber internet being installed by various utilities. Fiber uses tiny strands of plastic or glass to transmit data, creating a much faster internet that metal or copper-based cables provide.

One Good Thing: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools’ Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides 23 pathways that help foster students’ finding their passion before high school graduation. Those pathways can be career or technical training, as well as preparation for post-secondary education. This Saturday, February 22, CMS is hosting a Career & Technical Education Fair in Uptown Charlotte. Open to all students (and their families), the CTE Fair is free and will be open from 11 am to 3 pm at the Charlotte Convention Center, 501 S College St, Charlotte.

Morning Minute: Tuesday, February 18, 2020

News About Town: Charlotte Water has one lane closed at 1401 South Trade Street, near Chaphyn Lane. Expect the closure to remain until late afternoon on Thursday, February 20.

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News Around Town: Matthews sang its heart out last Friday with Weaver, Bennett, & Bland at Stumptown Station. The two local businesses partnered to raise money for the HELP Center. All in all, the Sing Your Heart Out - Karaoke for Charity event raised $461 for Matthews Help Center. 

One Good Thing: Know an exceptional teacher in Matthews who has demonstrated creative infusion of the Arts, Sciences or History into core curriculum? Want to recognize a dedicated teacher for their hard work? The Arts and Science Council is taking nominations for the Cato Lifetime Achievement in Teaching Awards to recognize creative teachers with more than 15 years of experience teaching the arts, sciences or history. If that person is a Pre-K through 12th grade teacher working for (or retired within the last 2 years from) a public or independent school in Mecklenburg (ahem, let’s focus on Matthews), then send in a nomination. Let’s get them recognized!

Morning Minute: Monday, February 17, 2020

News About Town: Last week we wrote about the Planning Conference for the new Board of Commissioners. The conference agenda is now online. Items include big items such as NCDOT road improvements and fire department needs, and smaller items such as addressing sidewalk gaps.

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News Around Town: At the beginning of the year the CMS calendar showed today, President’s Day, as an official school holiday. After tornado damage caused a missed day of school earlier this month, today will be a make up day for students.

One Fun Thing: Today is the last day to enter data for the Great Backyard Bird Count. If you signed up, get your info in. So far the data shows 289 checklists and 91 species for Mecklenburg County, but none specific to Matthews.

Morning Minute: Monday, February 3, 2020

News About Town: Sunday morning, just after 2 am, Matthews Fire & EMS responded to a fire at Paces Commons Apartments. What began as a third story balcony fire destroyed one apartment and damage at least five others. Six engines and two ladder trucks were called to the fire. Idlewild, Mint Hill, Stallings, and Charlotte all responded and aided in controlling the fire.


News Around Town: At 9 am this past Saturday more than 100 Matthews residents were lined up in the Matthews United Methodist parking lot to claim free trees from Matthews’ first TreeStore. Trees Charlotte gave away 350 trees to more than 150 residents. The Town of Matthews Appearance and Tree Board were available to assist throughout the event. By closing time at 11am, all of the available trees were claimed.

One Good Thing: HAWK’s next meeting is all about the owls…barred owls that is. Tuesday, February 4 at 7 pm at the Community Center, join Matthews’ most dedicated naturalists for an exciting, informative presentation by biologist David Crowe. David will share interesting facts about the owls and how to attract them to your backyard habitat. HAWK will be raffling off an owl nesting box at the event, as well.

Morning Minute: Friday, January 31, 2020

News About Town: NCDOT has big plans for Independence Boulevard. Those plans include adding a general purpose lane in each direction (totaling three general purpose lanes) and an express lane in each direction along the median. Those express lanes will be rolled, with rates fluctuating according to demand. Access to 74 will also change. Traditional intersections will become interchanges or bridges without access; all traffic signals on this section of Independence Boulevard will be removed. Several roads in Matthews, such as Northeast Parkway and Independence Pointe Parkway, will be completed, creating parallel alternatives. Public comment closes February 29, 2020. Comments can be submitted by emailing or on the NCDOT website.


News Around Town: Stop by the Farmer’s Market this Saturday (8-10 am) to stock up on all the locally grown goodies to meet your Super Bowl party demands. You’ll find eggs for deviling, popcorn, bread, jams, and cheeses. New Town Farms will have bacon, which we expect will be in high demand post-Veganuary.

Don’t Forget: The Matthews TreeStore by Trees Charlotte will be open for business this Saturday, February 1, from 9-11 am at Matthews United Methodists Church. Bring a proof of residency, take two free trees!

Greater Matthews Habitat for Humanity will break ground at 10 am this Saturday, February 1st, on Macky & Yvette's home, 3410 Weddington Rd, Matthews.

The Matthews Police and Fire Departments are teaming up for the second annual “Matthews Public Safety Year-In-Review”.  Each meeting will concentrate on one of four town quadrants (referred to as “Beats" 1, 2, 3, & 4) and is a prime opportunity for anyone in Matthews to learn about public safety in 2019. Meeting dates and locations are listed on the Town’s website

Morning Minute: Thursday, January 30, 2020

News About Town: It may seem early to be thinking about summer, but a prepared parent is a happy parent. Registration for camps with the Town Park and Rec Department open Saturday, February 1. Camps include half- and full-day options, and cover all sorts of STEAM topics appropriate for kids ages 6 and up.


News Around Town: The bad news first: Saturday, February 8th, Carolina Beer Temple’s lease is up. The good news? They’re shacking up at Temple Mojo (which will be named Carolina Beer Temple). The move will consolidate the best of both businesses under one roof: growler refills, Mojo events, a wine selection, and retail. think of it as a merger made in beer lover’s heaven.

Don’t Forget: The Matthews Police and Fire Departments are teaming up for the second annual “Matthews Public Safety Year-In-Review”.  Each meeting will concentrate on one of four town quadrants (referred to as “Beats" 1, 2, 3, & 4) and is a prime opportunity for anyone in Matthews to learn about public safety in 2019. Meeting dates and locations are listed on the Town’s website

Morning Minute: Wednesday, January 29, 2020

News About Town:  Matthews Police and Matthews Fire & EMS Departments paired up last night for the first of four Year-In-Review sessions. Kicking things off in Beat 3 at the Levine Senior Center. This area of Matthews contains the northern-most quadrant of town and includes the big-box retail of Sycamore Commons and Windsor Square, where police are successfully targeting shoplifters through data analysis. Similarly, using data to most effectively enforce traffic laws, accident counts are down.  


News Around Town: If you've been wondering Which Wich? Bad news, the downtown sandwich shop on Park Center Dr. has a closed sign taped in the window. The sign has been in the window for several days and there is no answer or message at their listed phone number.

One Fun Thing:  Renfrow Hardware, Beacon advertiser and Matthews mainstay, just received a truckload of cool weather vegetable transplants. Stop by Wednesday through Saturday to pick up a tray of collards, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, and more.

Don’t Forget: The Matthews Police and Fire Departments are teaming up for the second annual “Matthews Public Safety Year-In-Review”.  Each meeting will concentrate on one of four town quadrants (referred to as “Beats" 1, 2, 3, & 4) and is a prime opportunity for anyone in Matthews to learn about public safety in 2019. Meeting dates and locations are listed on the Town’s website


Morning Minute: Tuesday, January 28, 2020

News About Town:  Matthews Fire & EMS had their annual awards banquet this past Saturday evening at the Plantation Estates Clubhouse. The awards presented were decided through a survey of peers. Those honored include Officer of the Year Ryan Hanes, Firefighters of the Year Jodi Aldridge and Harry McLaughlin, EMT of the Year Montana Hudgens, Rookie of the Year Pablo Maldonado, Fire Corps Member of the Year John Wasco, and LH Yandle Distinguished Service recipient Christopher Clark. For a glimpse into the difficult work (with plenty of fun and camaraderie) of being a Matthews Fire Fighter, watch their video review of 2019.


News Around Town: Be on the lookout for scam texts and emails that appear as though they’re from FedEx. The phony message contains a link that will take you to a page requesting credit card information. FedEx will not request information through text or email. If you receive one such message, let FedEx know.

One Fun Thing:  Need a hobby? Revisit yoga? Pickle ball? If you’re looking for something fun to do check out the Park and Rec newsletter for February.

Morning Minute: Monday, January 27, 2020

News About Town:  The Town Transportation Department will present a mobility study update to the Board prior to the regular Board of Commissioners meeting tonight. The mobility study began in April 2019, and has concentrated on transportation and parking throughout downtown Matthews.Following open meeting laws, the public is welcome to attend. The presentation will begin at 5:30 in the Jordan Room of Town Hall


News Around Town: Matthews-based stayAPT Suites unveiled a new approach for extended stay hotels. Each suite contains three distinct living areas (kitchen, living room, bedroom) recalling a home away from home residential design. The rooms surround common courtyard that includes a grilling area and fire pit. The brand is launching 12 hotels to be built this year and an additional 30 in 2021. Don’t start planning an extended staycation, the closest stayAPT Suites will be in Charlotte.

One Good Thing: Mamma Mia! takes over Fullwood Stage this weekend, bringing ABBA’s greatest hits to Matthews. Matthews Playhouse has nine performances of the hit production between January 3 and February 9.
ASC Connect with Culture members: use your card to BOGO tickets for this event.

Morning Minute: Friday, January 24, 2020

News About Town: The agenda for Monday’s Board of Commissioners meeting is online. During the meeting, new members of the Police Department will be introduced, there is a moment to acknowledge the Finance Department’s receipt of a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.The Board will also consider an administrative amendment to the Harmony Hills Townhome design.


News Around Town: Moving into the weekend, as temps climb slightly upward, thoughts turn to gardening. If you’re thinking it’s too cold to plant, think again. According to phenological signs, when daffodils are in bloom, it’s time to plant garden and sugar peas, beets, carrots, and chard.

One Good Thing: Nothing in life is free, except for trees at the Trees Charlotte giveaway…and opinions, advice, kittens, and (to the philosophically inclined) will. Of all of those, free trees are the best deal, and Matthews residents should reserve their trees for the February 1 Matthews TreeStore. The more people who reserve trees, the more stock Trees Charlotte will bring. RSVPs are encouraged, but registration closes January 28. Make sure to tell your tree hugging friends.

Morning Minute: Thursday, January 23, 2020

News About Town: A handful of times we’ve mentioned when town advisory boards have openings. If you’re unsure what they do, or if you’d be interested in joining, you can sit in on a meeting to see firsthand what the board does. Next week, the Transportation Advisory Committee has a meeting on Monday, the 27th, at 5:30 pm. The Cultural Diversity Committee (CDC) and Planning Board both have scheduled meetings on Tuesday, the 28th, at 7 pm. The following week, the Veteran’s Advisory Committee and Board of Adjustment have meetings. Check out the Town’s calendar for other meetings throughout the month.


News Around Town: CMS has a teacher workday tomorrow (Friday, January 24). With no public school buses on the road, enjoy the easy commute.

One Good Thing: It’s safe to say no other event name has our interest piqued more than Carolina Carnage Armwrestling Tournament II. Biceps, deltoids, and pectorals will take center stage this Saturday, January, 25 at the Levine Senior Center. The event has several classes of participants, from amateurs to pros, and is open to the public to watch.

Morning Minute: Wednesday, January 22, 2020

News About Town:  If you’ve driven down Charles Street lately you may have noticed a new wooden fence. That fence is the first stage of construction for the Crestdale Heritage Trail. The trail, running parallel to the trail tracks, will eventually be a walkable tour with signs denoting historic significance. Ultimately, the path will connect the Crestdale neighborhood to downtown and to the Sportsplex.


News Around Town: Join Mecklenburg County Master Gardener Hallie Walker at the Matthews Library at 11 am on February 8 to learn the pruning basics of your favorite shrubs. Firstly, you must find... another shrubbery! Then, after all Monty Python quotes have been exhausted, you’ll learn to improve the health of your shrubs while saving time and money for future care. (Pro tip: We’re coming up close on the right time for blueberry pruning.)

One Good Thing: Want to learn more about local government? Are you a graduate of Matthews 101 and hungry to learn more? Civics 101, organized by the League of Women Voters, is a five-week course that covers a brief overview of the City of Charlotte budgeting (similar to Matthews, but on a much larger scale) and then dives into county-operated courts, education, and government. In the final week, you’ll have a chance to meet media experts and ask questions about current events and local journalism. The course is in-depth enough to give you a better understanding of the processes and responsibilities of various county agencies. Classes are February 24, March, 3, 10, 17, and 24. The link to register: .