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Morning Minute: Friday, January 24, 2020

News About Town: The agenda for Monday’s Board of Commissioners meeting is online. During the meeting, new members of the Police Department will be introduced, there is a moment to acknowledge the Finance Department’s receipt of a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.The Board will also consider an administrative amendment to the Harmony Hills Townhome design.


News Around Town: Moving into the weekend, as temps climb slightly upward, thoughts turn to gardening. If you’re thinking it’s too cold to plant, think again. According to phenological signs, when daffodils are in bloom, it’s time to plant garden and sugar peas, beets, carrots, and chard.

One Good Thing: Nothing in life is free, except for trees at the Trees Charlotte giveaway…and opinions, advice, kittens, and (to the philosophically inclined) will. Of all of those, free trees are the best deal, and Matthews residents should reserve their trees for the February 1 Matthews TreeStore. The more people who reserve trees, the more stock Trees Charlotte will bring. RSVPs are encouraged, but registration closes January 28. Make sure to tell your tree hugging friends.