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Morning Minute: Wednesday, January 29, 2020

News About Town:  Matthews Police and Matthews Fire & EMS Departments paired up last night for the first of four Year-In-Review sessions. Kicking things off in Beat 3 at the Levine Senior Center. This area of Matthews contains the northern-most quadrant of town and includes the big-box retail of Sycamore Commons and Windsor Square, where police are successfully targeting shoplifters through data analysis. Similarly, using data to most effectively enforce traffic laws, accident counts are down.  


News Around Town: If you've been wondering Which Wich? Bad news, the downtown sandwich shop on Park Center Dr. has a closed sign taped in the window. The sign has been in the window for several days and there is no answer or message at their listed phone number.

One Fun Thing:  Renfrow Hardware, Beacon advertiser and Matthews mainstay, just received a truckload of cool weather vegetable transplants. Stop by Wednesday through Saturday to pick up a tray of collards, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, and more.

Don’t Forget: The Matthews Police and Fire Departments are teaming up for the second annual “Matthews Public Safety Year-In-Review”.  Each meeting will concentrate on one of four town quadrants (referred to as “Beats" 1, 2, 3, & 4) and is a prime opportunity for anyone in Matthews to learn about public safety in 2019. Meeting dates and locations are listed on the Town’s website
