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Morning Minute: Friday, January 31, 2020

News About Town: NCDOT has big plans for Independence Boulevard. Those plans include adding a general purpose lane in each direction (totaling three general purpose lanes) and an express lane in each direction along the median. Those express lanes will be rolled, with rates fluctuating according to demand. Access to 74 will also change. Traditional intersections will become interchanges or bridges without access; all traffic signals on this section of Independence Boulevard will be removed. Several roads in Matthews, such as Northeast Parkway and Independence Pointe Parkway, will be completed, creating parallel alternatives. Public comment closes February 29, 2020. Comments can be submitted by emailing or on the NCDOT website.


News Around Town: Stop by the Farmer’s Market this Saturday (8-10 am) to stock up on all the locally grown goodies to meet your Super Bowl party demands. You’ll find eggs for deviling, popcorn, bread, jams, and cheeses. New Town Farms will have bacon, which we expect will be in high demand post-Veganuary.

Don’t Forget: The Matthews TreeStore by Trees Charlotte will be open for business this Saturday, February 1, from 9-11 am at Matthews United Methodists Church. Bring a proof of residency, take two free trees!

Greater Matthews Habitat for Humanity will break ground at 10 am this Saturday, February 1st, on Macky & Yvette's home, 3410 Weddington Rd, Matthews.

The Matthews Police and Fire Departments are teaming up for the second annual “Matthews Public Safety Year-In-Review”.  Each meeting will concentrate on one of four town quadrants (referred to as “Beats" 1, 2, 3, & 4) and is a prime opportunity for anyone in Matthews to learn about public safety in 2019. Meeting dates and locations are listed on the Town’s website
