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September 24 Board of Commissioners Meeting

On the agenda for the September 24, 2018 Board of Commissioners Meeting promises to be shorter than most, with a few items of note on the agenda:

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  • Proceeds from a Budget Ordinance Amendment will be dedicated to the police force for bulletproof vests.

  • The Board of Commissioners will receive an update on the 2018 Planning Conference To-Do List. The Planning Conference is a three-day public meeting where the board discusses a broad array of items relevant to Matthews (see Meeting Packet pages 22-24). This conference will be in Matthews and the public is welcome to attend and listen.

  • The Board of Commissioners will consider methods for streamlining their meetings, especially during lengthier ones that include Planning and Rezoning. Notes for these considerations are in the Meeting Packet (pages 26-30) and vary from suggestions limiting the time for staff and applicant presentations to requesting speakers from the public limit their time to five minutes.

  • The Board will review the emergency services’ responses to Hurricane Florence for successes and opportunities for improvement.