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Matthews Morning Minute: September 24, 2018

News About Town: The Town Council Meeting tonight will be the first council meeting recorded with newly installed technology. Once edited, the meetings will be posted on the town’s YouTube page. Over the weekend the town planning staff held a meeting discussing Small Area Plans and the possible overlay districts and live broadcast the meeting on Facebook. Follow the Town of Matthews on Facebook and subscribe to their YouTube channel for the latest updates.


News Above Town: With an expected high around 80 we’re feeling the temperature finally lean toward fall. Expect humidity and showers toward the evening.

News Around Town: Repairs begin on Tuesday, September 25, on the boardwalk at Country Place Drive on the Four Mile Creek Greenway. These repairs will take approximately one and a half weeks and will ensure long-term structural integrity to this portion of the greenway. Due to the construction, the boardwalk will be closed to through-traffic. The town has suggested two detour routes:

From South Trade Street Entrance: Walk along South Trade Street to Country Place Drive, take a left and follow that street down to the Country Place Drive access.

From John Street Entrance: Walk along the Greenway until you reach the Country Place Drive access.  Walk along Country Place Drive until you reach South Trade Street.  Take a right to access Downtown Matthews.

Please note: sidewalks do not extend the full length of Country Place Drive.

One Fun Thing: Every Monday join Chris Robertson 200 RYT for lunchtime yoga at the Community Center. This yoga class is suitable for all levels; you’ll focus on breath and leave feeling ready to tackle the rest of your day. If you can’t make it to Robertson’s Monday classes, try her restorative yoga classes on Wednesdays at 10 AM, also at the Community Center.
