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Morning Minute: Monday, February 25, 2019

News About Town: At tonight’s Council Meeting (7 p.m., Town Hall) Former Councilman Reverend Larry Whitley will be approved to become a voting member of the Planning Board. Larry has served on the Planning Board as an alternate member since February 2018. Prior to serving, Rev. Whitley served two years on Matthews Town Council and is the only African American elected to Town Council to date.

News Around Town: If you’ve driven through downtown lately you may have seen a flurry of renovation work happening at the old Cafe 157 location. A new restaurant is moving in, Grace O’Malley’s. If the name wasn’t clue enough, the fare is a modern take on Irish pub food with many ingredients from local farms. (H/T to Kim Stuart O’Shea for the info.)

One Fun Thing: This Friday, March 1, jump online early to snag your tickets for Lunch with Easter Bunny. On Friday, April 12, bring your kids (ages 2 to 5) and camera for an afternoon of fun with the one and only Easter Bunny! Mr. Bunny will be hoppily posing for photos with the little ones. Tickets are $10 per person — available online or at the Matthews Community Center. The following day, Saturday, April 13, Mr. Bunny will be joined by his Mrs. for posing with kids (both the 4-legged and 2-legged kinds) from 10 a.m. til 1:00 p.m. For more information call 704-321-7275.