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Morning Minute: Thursday, March 28, 2019

News About Town:  At Monday’s meeting the Town Council discussed ways to increase tree canopy despite short-term loss through development. Suggestions for future consideration include: • Consider increasing required canopy percentage in certain districts. • Commit to using allocated landscape funds to plant/maintain a set amount of trees on town-owned properties and rights-of-way.

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News Around Town:  Join District 6 County Commissioner Susan Rodriguez McDowell, District 5 County Commissioner Susan Harden, and Charlotte City Council Member Dimple Ajmera this Saturday, March 30, for a Mecklenburg County Community Tax Relief Workshop. The event will be held at the Matthews Sportsplex (2425 Sports Parkway) from 10 a.m. until noon. Bring all your questions about the property reval, and they, and reps from the County Tax Assessors office, will do their best to answer them.

One Fun Thing:  If you’re itching for some dirt under your nails, but the Farmer’s Market ends a little too early (until next week!), Carolina Heritage Nursery will be at Backyard Birds with an assortment of native plants for your #birdfriendlygarden and #wildlifehabitat. Stop by between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and get your native garden growing.