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Morning Minute: Friday, March 8, 2019

News About Town: As we indicated yesterday morning, the Monday (March 11) night Board of Commissioner’s meeting agenda is available online.  Items of note include allocating funds for Conceptual Downtown Streetscape Design Work (approved at the last meeting for the amount of $41,250.00), as well as the formal initiation of Zoning Motion 2019-2 to rezone the Stronghaven warehouse property on John Street and Brigman property in the ENT District. There will also be updates on NCDOT projects, Red Brick Partnership, and Republic Services (the Town’s solid waste provider).


News Around Town: The North Carolina Education Lottery's NC School Heroes contest is live for voting. Celebrate our public school teachers by voting for them (once per day). The 10 educators with the most votes will win $10,000 each, as well as $10,000 for their school. The person who nominated them will win $1,000.  The contest runs through the end of March, and heroes will be announced May 6, 2019 There are plenty of Matthews schools in the running. Vote here.

One Good Thing: Head over to Jonathan’s Restaurant (10630 Independence Pointe Pkwy) tomorrow, March 9, at noon for an unexpected delight. Join the Carolinas Accordion Group at Jonathan’s for a rousing round of Irish tunes. If you don’t play the accordion you’re welcome to bring another instrument and play along or simply listen and enjoy. The group will play from noon until 4 p.m., plan accordionly.