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Morning Minute: Tuesday, April 30, 2019

News About Town: Town Hall is looking a little bare these days, but fear not. In August of 2018, the Board of Commissioners improved an $80,000 upfit for the columns and handrails at the front of the town hall. Originally built in 2001, the columns and handrails have been painted and repaired numerous times. The replacements are fiberglass and anodized aluminum, respectively.


News Around Town: This Thursday, May 2, at 11 a.m. the County Manager will present her recommended 2020 FY budget to the County Commission. If you can’t make it but want to follow along, it will be streamed live on and live-tweeted on Twitter.

At 6 p.m. on the following Thursday (May 9) Commissioners will hold a public hearing for the Recommended Budget at 6 p.m. You may sign up to speak at this meeting by signing up online or by phone at 980-314-2870 now through May 6.

Both meetings will be held in the Meeting Chamber of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center, 600 E. Fourth St., Charlotte. 

One Fun Thing: There's a brand new pop in town, and we're pretty stoked. Velo Pops just opened beside First Watch on 51. Flavors like Banana Nutella and Hibiscus Lemon Agave (shout out to Avocado Lime) up the ante on nuanced flavor sans hangover. Hello, small-batch sweets crawl. We think we've found our summer plans--it's gonna be a cold one.