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Morning Minute: Wednesday, July 24, 2019

News About Town: At Monday's Board of Commissioners meeting the Board voted to approve an 11% pay increase for the Town Manager. With this increase, the pay rate is $163,780. This pay increase follows a 6% pay increase for FY 2018/19 and a 3% increase for FY 19/20. The pay increases are to achieve a pay rate in the 60th percentile range. According to a 2018 pay classification study, the Town Manager's salary in the 60th percentile should be within $113,410 - $175,270.  


News Around Town: Always dreamed of being in a parade? Rent that classic convertible, practice your royal wave, and email for all the essential information on getting into the Matthews Alive parade. This year's theme is Attitude for Gratitude, and if your float depicts something you're grateful for you can get your float fee reimbursed. Applications close on August 1st, so the clock is ticking.

One Good Thing: This Saturday, bring nonperishable food items to Backyard Birds (in Matthews Festival by the Dairy Queen) for Common Heart, a grassroots food pantry in Indian Trail. As a thank you, Backyard Birds will give you a 20% discount on one item (not including coffee and seed) and provide a donation of 10% the sale to Common Heart. If all of that giving and receiving isn't enough, Common Heart is dollar-for-dollar matching donations now through July 31, so that 10% of your purchase will become 20%.