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Morning Minute: Thursday, August 22, 2019

News About Town: Yesterday Commissioners John Urban and Chris Melton hosted a Facebook Live session. Turn your head to watch (you’ll see) and listen to what they have to say about current events and plans for Matthews. The event was close to 30 minutes and covers a variety of information, including new speed limits and how nonprofits that receive town funds must now provide accounting information to the town.


News Around Town: For those of you preparing your kids for back to school, it’s once again time to link your Harris Teeter (headquartered right here in Matthews) VIC card to an area school. Log in on the Harris Teeter website and add up to five schools to your account. Even if you’ve done this in the past, you have to designate a school annually. When you purchase store brands, a portion of the sale is donated to the school(s) of your choice. Since 1998, Harris Teeter’s Together in Education program has raised over $28.7 million.

All the Fun Things: Looking for something fun to do? Have you checked out our calendar lately? We have library programs and live music listed. Want us to add something to the calendar? Send it on over, and we’ll get it posted. Our calendar is one more example of how we practice collaboration. A collaborative community is a thriving community.