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Morning Minute: Tuesday, August 27, 2019

News About Town: Those familiar with the speed humps on Trade at Matthews Station know the design is problematic. Last year the town hired Alta Planning + Design to tackle the intersection to make it more functional as well as safer for pedestrians. Alta presented a proposed solution with long-term plans to the Board at the meeting last night. Changes include a shorter crossing distance by adding curb extensions, hi-visibility crosswalks, and better lighting.

intersection improvements.jpg

News Around Town: Last Thursday, Butler and Hough High Schools only got through the third quarter before the clock struck twelve. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools rules say games can’t go past midnight, so when the football turned into a pumpkin, there was still 58 seconds in the third quarter. The game will pick up where they left off, 14-7 with Butler in the lead, this Friday at the SportsPlex. Gates open at 4 pm and the game starts at 5.

One Fun Thing: Penny pinchers (that’s us) and deal makers rejoice. For $15 this Friday night, get a wristband for unlimited rides at Matthews Alive! Get there early and make good use of the bands, just don’t load up on fried Oreos first.