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Morning Minute: Thursday, August 29, 2019

News About Town: Next time you’re in downtown Matthews, check out the newly installed mural on the side of the Planet Ballroom building. The mural is a vinyl print from an original by Matthews artist Carol Hambridge, showing off the small town joys of Matthews during Matthews Alive. With hints of the festival in the background and the parade in the foreground, the phrase inscribed in the heart (“Where love grows from the heart of the American dream.”) is a nod to the original meaning of the Labor Day celebration.


News Around Town: The Pokémon Go phenomenon is still going strong in Matthews. Approximately 50 people descended on a Matthews gym between 6 and 7 last night to land a special Pokémon. It’s not too late to get in on catching ‘em all, download the app and be on the lookout for Pocket Monsters and fellow trainers all over Matthews.

One Good Thing: The Matthews Police have some safety tips for this weekend at Matthews Alive!

  • Stay hydrated

  • Wear sunscreen

  • Protect yourself from theft by keeping items of value out of sight and on your person. (e.g., cash, cell phone)

  • Make sure those new shoes that look so cute on you are actually comfortable to walk long distances in

  • Try to pack as light as possible without carrying extra bags or items with you that will make it more difficult to walk for long distances in the heat


How might you say something, you’re wondering? There will be plenty of police at the festival. Look around and get the attention of any officer that may be near you. If you're near Sadie Dr and South Trade St. find the Mobile Command Post. You can always call the communications center directly at 704.847.5555, and if it’s an emergency, definitely call 911.