Baby Boomers
Baby boomers
Wore bloomers
Plain old boxer shorts
T.V. trays
Frozen dinners
Bay of Pigs
Khrushchev’s blast
John & Robert Kennedy
Martin Luther King
Hear the Beatle’s sing
Give peace a chance.
Man on the moon
Marijuana, LSD
Make love not war
Hell no we won’t go
Vietnam’s useless war
Agent Orange
Raid bug strips.
The pill
Roe verses Wade
Feminist movement
Bras burning
Lesbian and gay rights
Chicago riots
Aids and HIV epidemic
Poodle skirts
Bell bottoms
Play-doh, Jackie O
In schoolyards
Voices singing
Greenwich Village
The Village Gate
On Broadway
Harry Krishna
GTO’s the Bug
Circus Boy, Lassie
Ed Sullivan,
The Twilight Zone,
The Million Dollar Movie
Chock full o’Nuts
That heavenly coffee.
Brill crème and Dippity Doo
The scent of Ambush
And Canoe
Doe eyes
Twiggy Lashes
Tip toe through the tulips
Archie Bunker
Toilets flushing
Maude and the Golden Girls
Cheesecake is the answer
Mr. Rogers, Miss Piggy
The Muppets
Captain Kangaroo
Lucy and Ricky too.
Under desks hiding
Awaiting the sound of
Siren’s all clear
Boy I’m grateful
To have lived through
All of this
And to remember in my
Middle bliss
Make Love not war.
By Lorraine Stark
Photo via Unsplash photographer @clemono