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Morning Minute: Thursday, February 27, 2020

News About Town: The Board of Commissioners annual planning conference will begin at 5:30 pm at Town Hall. Over the course of just under three days, the Council will discuss 26 strategic items of importance that will come up during the 2020/21 term. During the portion tonight, the focus will be emergency services, specifically improving emergency response time, Idlewild VFD and its role in Matthews, and future construction of Matthews Fire Station 3.


News Around Town: The North Carolina Education Lottery's NC School Heroes contest is live for voting. Celebrate our public school teachers by voting for them (once per day). The 10 educators with the most votes will win $10,000 each, as well as $10,000 for their school. The person who nominated them will win $1,000.  The contest runs through March 15, and heroes will be announced May 6, 2020. Several Matthews schools don’t have nominees yet, so get some recognition for your own fave. Vote here.

One Good Thing: Area creatives and cultural organizations have a couple ASC grant deadlines coming up.

The Cultural Vision Grants (up to $10,000) initial application deadline is Monday, March 2, 2020 at noon. Learn More and Apply.

Culture Blocks Program Investments, funded in partnership between ASC, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation, increase access to creative programming for residents living in one of the Culture Blocks program areas. Applications are due Friday, March 6, 2020 at noon. Learn more.  
