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Morning Minute: Friday, February 28, 2020

News About Town: It’s Day 2 of the Board of Commissioners annual planning conference. Today’s meeting starts at 7:30 am with a quick breakfast and will run until 1:45 pm. Then the Board will travel to Blowing Rock and work again from 5 to 6:30 pm. Topics will include both town and NCDOT road improvements, sidewalks, the 27 acres at the corner of McKee and Pleasant Plains Roads, and funding options for capital improvements.


News Around Town: The Farmer’s Market is saying we’re going to have an early spring. (Pro Tip: Trust the farmers.) This weekend head on by and pick up elderberry products to boost immune systems from Double Up Farm, pasture-raised pork, chicken, beef, and lamb from a variety of farms, an assortment of salad greens and cold hardy crops, and an abundance of spring plants. Stop by the market this Saturday, 8 am til 10 am, at 188 North Trade St.

One Fun Thing: This Thursday, March 15, the Matthews Concert Band will take you to “A Night at the Movies.” Surround yourself in the sounds of your favorite movie score starting at 7:30 pm at Fullwood Theater in the Community Center, 100 McDowell St. for the very low price of free!
