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Morning Minute: Friday, February 7, 2020

News About Town: Thursday’s storm was a doozy. While crews are out fixing power lines and clearing roads, stay home and out of the way. For the curious, Blaine Tolison shared images on Twitter, and the Exchange Pizza Depot has photos on Facebook. A tornado touched down in Matthews. All in all, over 4,200 homes were left without power.


News Around Town: Today (February 7) is the last day to register to vote before the March 3 primaries. Voters can register during early voting as well, but not on regular election days. Voters who will be 18 by the next general election can vote in the primaries. No photo ID will be required to vote in the primaries, but when you register to vote you are required to provide proof of residence.

One Good Thing: Aside from National Pizza Day, Sunday is also the last Mamma Mia! performance at the Playhouse. There are just a few seats left for this show. Mayor John Higdon will have a cameo in each of the final four performances, beginning Friday night.
