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Morning Minute: Tuesday, July 28, 2020

News About Town: Last night, the Board of Commissioners voted to extend remote meetings through the month of August. Those meetings will be August 10 and 24.


News Around Town: Area schools are holding their own information sessions to answer questions related to the Opening of Schools for the 2020/21 school year.

  • Crown Point Elementary has a central website for distance learning. Contact the school at 980-343-6535 for upcoming informational sessions.

  • Elizabeth Lane Elementary started question and answer sessions yesterday, but more days are available. The PTA recently shared information about how to sign up.

  • Matthews Elementary will hold sessions by grade level on August 3: Kindergarten at 4:00 pm, First and Second Grade at 5:00 pm, and Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade at 5:00 pm.  Visit this link to find out more information and how to submit questions.

  • Crestdale Middle hosted a parent meeting on July 23. The recording can be viewed here. If your child attends Crestdale, hotspot requests must be made by July 31.

  • On July 24, Principal Golden, from Butler High School, recorded a Live Stream session addressing questions regarding the upcoming school year. Butler students can learn more about the online learning program through this tutorial. The school also has a dedicated tech helpline; submit a ticket here.

One Fun Thing: If the season got too hot for gardening, but you’re looking for a reason to get outside, Renfrow’s is offering three gardening courses. Check out the offerings and extend your knowledge-growing season with Matthews’ favorite agriculturalists.
