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Morning Minute: Thursday, August 13, 2020

News About Town: According to the most recent amendment to the Mecklenburg County Second Revised and Amended Joint Declaration of Emergency, restaurants and restaurants with bars in Matthews may now use the bar space to serve food and beverages. Mayor John Higdon signed the amendment for those businesses within the Town to serve food and beverages at the bar. Safety protocols must still be in place, including social distancing between groups.


One Good Thing: The Matthews Heritage Museum is taking the quiet opportunity provided by the pandemic to do some research. As Roseland Cemetery undergoes preservation efforts, the museum is seeking information about the slaves and freed People of Color who were buried there. Barbara Taylor and the museum will build a database of the information gathered. Please send the person's full name, their birth and death dates, your name and your relationship to that person, and a phone number in case we have questions to Matthews Heritage Museum You may also call 704-708-4996. 
