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Morning Minute: Friday, August 14, 2020

News About Town: In partnership with the county, Matthews Fire Department is giving away cloth masks. Get your free mask this Saturday, August 15, by pulling into the fire station parking lot between 9 am and 12 pm. Someone with the department will bring one to your car. 236 South Trade St. (to the right of the building…don’t block the truck drive).


News Around Town: COVID -19 can’t stop the annual Sandy Marano Memorial Women Build. Groundbreaking for Celestin and Marie's home will be viewable on Facebook Live on Saturday, August 22 at 10 am. This build honors the legacy of Sandy Marano, a dedicated Family Services Coordinator for Greater Matthews Habitat who died from breast cancer in 2016. This year the build has been partially funded by a Wells Fargo Foundation $15,000 grant.

One Helpful Thing: Weaver, Bennett, and Bland are offering discounted estate plans, power of attorney, and healthcare power of attorney services in appreciation of your continued dedication to education in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
