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Morning Minute: Monday, August 17, 2020

News About Town:  Several advisory board meetings are coming up. The Appearance and Tree Committee will meet at 7 pm tonight via Zoom. The Economic Development Advisory Committee will meet online at 4:30 pm this Wednesday. At 7 pm on Wednesday the Silver Line Task Force will meet to further discuss the prefered alignment for the future light rail path through Matthews. Then, on Thursday at 7 pm, the Transportation Advisory Committee will meet remotely.

If you need a car seat checked for safety, there’s a clinic this Wednesday, the 19th, starting at 8 am at the Police Station, 1201 Crews Road.


News Around Town: Arriving a week or so early this year, it’s the first day of school for CMS students. Going back is a little (lot) different with remote learning. A few things to keep in mind: easy tech issues can be addressed by your child's teacher. For more advanced needs, contact the CMS tech helpline: If your school-issued computer (iPad or Chromebook) aren’t working, call the school office to have it switched out. If Canvas is bewildering, CMS has provided a YouTube tutorial (también en Español).

A few numbers to have handy:
CMS Student Technology Helpline: 980-343-8001
 Crown Point Elementary: 980-343-6535
Elizabeth Lane Elementary: 980-343-5700
Matthews Elementary: 980-343-3940
Crestdale Middle: 980-343-5755
Butler High School: 980-343-6300
