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Morning Minute: Tuesday, September 29, 2020

News Around Town: As the Census Count has been taken, the end date was set for the end of October. With COVID, the end date was moved to the end of September. Now that end date is in question after a federal judge in California ruled the Census must continue the count. Once again, the expected end date is October 31. The Justice Department has appealed the decision. Either way, if you haven’t been counted, do so before the end of day tomorrow (September 30).


One Good Thing: Backporch Treasures (the thrift shop behind the HELP Center) has a new program to give back to America’s heroes: “Backporch Treasures Honoring our Heroes” monthly discount program. Beginning on October 1, healthcare workers get 10% off their entire purchase all month long. In November, they will offer military members and veterans a discount. The giving will continue each month by offering a discount for those who give back each and every day.

Don’t Forget: Vote for COS Kids up to 10 times a day in the $25,000 Neighborhood Assist Grant contest from State Farm. The contest ends October 2 and winners will be announced November 4.
