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Morning Minute: Wednesday, September 30, 2020

News Around Town: During Monday night’s Board of Commissioners meeting, the Board received an update about the NCDOT bridge project on South Trade Street. Little new information was shared, but the representative expects the project will be complete toward the end of the year. To hear the discussion, tune in at 47:06 on YouTube.


One Good Thing: We all know Women That Inspire who deserve recognition. Use that admiration to fund the Sandy Marano Women Build house for Greater Matthews Habitat for Humanity! Honor an incredible woman by making a (minimum) $10 donation to Matthews Habitat and share why she inspires you. Habitat will write their name and your message on the construction materials for the home, send a letter letting the woman know she has been honored, and share the story on Habitat’s social media. Habitat for Humanity has a long tradition of writing messages to the future homeowners on the materials of this home, and this campaign will symbolize that this home is being built with the support of the amazing women in our every day lives.

Don’t Forget: Vote for COS Kids up to 10 times a day in the $25,000 Neighborhood Assist Grant contest from State Farm. The contest ends October 2 and winners will be announced November 4.
