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Morning Minute: Friday, January 15, 2021

News About Town: During the Board Meeting this past Monday (January 11), the Board held four public hearings on applications to amend the Unified Development Ordinance and Land Use Map.

The hearings included two for an apartment complex proposed adjacent to the exit ramp at Independence and Matthews Township (a text amendment and a change in zoning classification). This complex consists of 216 total units: a mix of townhomes, and apartments. This item will come back before the Board for further discussion on February 8.

The third public hearing was for a townhome and duet (duplex) development (62 units total) priced under $300,000. The site, 2026 Matthews-Mint Hill Road) is adjacent to Butler High School and is 9.43 acres. This item will go before the Planning Board on January 26.

The fourth item, a request to allow the construction of six townhomes on Sadie Drive where five have been previously approved, was deferred until February 8.

multifamily jan 11.jpg

One Fun Thing: Join Matthews Naturalist and HAWK President Daniel Jakobovits and the Sierra Club Central Piedmont Group at 6:30 pm on Thursday, January 21, to officially kickstart your spring garden planning. Daniel will present Ecology Gardening - Make Your Yard a Better Place, sharing tips on how to be a land steward in your own backyard. by building a robust ecosystem. Register here for the Zoom presentation.
