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Morning Minute: Tuesday, January 19, 2021

News About Town: Several advisory board meetings are coming up. The Transportation Advisory Committee meets at 7 pm on Wednesday, January 20, via Zoom. The Appearance and Tree Committee will meet on Monday, January 25, at 7 pm on Zoom. Tuesday, January 26, the Planning Board, and the Cultural Diversity Committee will each meet at 7 pm. Follow the calendar on the Town’s website for changes and updates.


News Around Town: Last week the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Board voted (8-1) to delay returning to in-person learning until mid-February. The Board decision will return pre-K, elementary, K-8 and students with disabilities who have been identified through an IEP process to receive in-person services to class on Feb. 15. Students in traditional middle and high schools will return to in-person instruction on Feb. 22. In response to a 16% positivity rate county-wide, Mecklenburg County Health Director Gibbie Harris issued a directive recommending “full-virtual options for work, school and any other activity where in-person activity is not required.” This directive remains in effect until February 2.

One Good Thing: On Sunday, January 17, Pastor Larry Whitley and Mayor John Higdon presented Independence High student Faith Smith with the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Scholarship from Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist and Matthews United Methodist Churches (34:27 mark via Facebook). This is the fifth year that Matthews-area churches have presented the MLK scholarship.
