The Christmas tree
Went up on time
On December first
When we finished
Decorating it looked
Like it would burst
We made a pledge
Before it hits the floor
To take her down by
January first
Well, January first came
And went
Our tree with fake
Evergreen scent
Instantly became
A Valentine tree
With tiny red hearts
And chocolate sentiments
Mixed with tinsel
And mistletoe
Heh, we missed
February first
Each month we promised
To take her down
And neighbors who came in
Made those odd sighs
And sounds
The calendar now read
Easter, had arrived
So now between the tinsel
Mistletoe and hearts
And chocolate sentiments
Were pastel plastic colored
Easter eggs
Beside tiny red hearts
March, April, May
And June went right by
Why bother to take it down
Its gotten way too hot
Now on the Fourth of July
Red, white and blue vinyl
Flags were attached by knots
They blended so well
With holiday decorations
Of months past
When September came
We said soon
What’s another month
And on the night of
The tree keeled over
I guess the orange pumpkins
Were just too much
So tinsel, mistletoe, tiny
Red hearts, red white and blue
Vinyl flags
Rolled together
Across the floor
And one by one the
Giggles started and
We laughed and laughed
We had fun
Who cared what
The neighbors said
A moment of silence
Our Christmas tree
Just dropped dead
And we were going
To put her away
In the box marked
Christmas tree next
Month, on the first
By Lorraine Stark
Image via Unsplash @juvnsky