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Morning Minute: Monday, November 22, 2021

News About Town: The meal is planned, visitors are on their way, and you have a moment to prepare for the holiday shopping kick off. Matthews Police have some tips for you to stay safe as sales heat up:

  • Remove all valuables from your car.

  • Lock your doors.

  • Avoid carrying large sums of cash.

  • Never leave your purse/bag unattended and always make sure it is zipped or closed.

  • Park in well lit areas.

Check out the image below for more great tips. Stay safe this shopping season.

News Around Town: There are holiday events popping up all over town. Below are a few already on the radar:

  • Tuesday, November 30, 5:30pm. Menorah lighting on the Green at Town Hall, 232 Matthews Station St.

  • Friday, December 3, 7 - 9:00pm. A live concert located on the green space on Matthews Station Street beside PNC Bank (122 Matthews Station St).

  • Sunday, Dec. 5, 6-8pm. The Grinch Drive-In Movie Night: This FREE community event will be held in the large parking lot at Matthews United Methodist, 801 South Trade St. Free small popcorn & hot chocolate provided to all. Movie starts at 6:30 pm. (

  • Friday, December 10, 7:30pm -- Matthews Concert Band's “Sounds of the Season,” Matthews Presbyterian Church Sanctuary, 207 W. John St., free admission.

  • December 12, 7:00-8:00pm. The Glory of Christmas Concert in the sanctuary at Matthews United Methodist, 801 South Trade St. Celebrate the coming of the Christ Child through beautiful musical performances from Matthews UMC's Orchestra, Sanctuary Choir, Joyful Ringers, Children's Choir, & More!

  • Sunday, Dec. 19 at 8:15, 9:30 and 11am. Children's Nativity Services, Matthews United Methodist, 801 South Trade St, will hold a special service to celebrate our Savior’s birth as children show us their version of the Nativity with costumes, scenery, & music.

  • December 24. Candlelight Christmas Eve Services at Matthews United Methodist, 801 South Trade St
    4:00 pm Children & Family, The Gym
    6:00 pm Contemporary, Sanctuary
    7:30 pm CCH in Espanol, The Gym
    9:00 pm Traditional, Sanctuary
    (6 & 9 In person & Livestream)

  • Wednesday, December 29, 7:00pm. Free Kwanzaa event at Matthews Community Center, 100 McDowell Street.

One Good Thing: Scott Clark Toyota, 13052 Marie Garris Rd, is a collection point for Toys for Tots this year. Partnering with WTVI, the companies are collecting new, unwrapped toys with a special need for items for newborn girls.
