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Morning Minute: Tuesday, November 23, 2021

News About Town: Public-facing Town of Matthews employees will receive an hourly pay increase thanks to American Rescue Plan Federal Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (ARPA-CLFRF) dollars. Employees who can perform job duties from home are ineligible under ARPA-CLFRF guidelines; employees who interact with the public or other employees during regular job duties and cannot social distance are included in the premium pay program. The majority of recipients work in the Fire, Police, and Public Works departments. This program will run through 2024 and is not a permanent pay increase. All in, the program will use $1,316,391 of the $10,560,996 ARPA-CLFRF funds received.

News Around Town: Last Saturday the Farmer's Market wrapped up their 30th spring/summer market. Tonight they’re hosting a pre-Thanksgiving market from 4 to 6pm and will be closed this Saturday. When the market reopens on December 4 the hours will be the winter hours of 8 to 10am. Expect winter squash, meats, and cold-weather greens like collards.

One Fun Thing: Break out the blueprints for an architectural gingerbread masterpiece—it’s time once again for the Matthews Chamber of Commerce 9th Annual Gingerbread House Contest. Drop off your entry at the Chamber (210 Matthews Station Street) by 4:30pm November 30. The categories (Amateur: Child/Family: 17 yrs or younger or family group that includes a child, Amateur: Adult: 18 yrs or older or any group of amateur adults, and Professional: Bakers, Chefs, Caterers, and Artists) will be judged based on first impression, proportion, artistry, difficulty, and Matthews influence on December 1.
