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Morning Minute: Friday, July 23, 2021

News About Town: As is tradition, there will be no second Board of Commissioners meeting this month. The next meeting will be August 9.

Several advisory board meetings are coming up over the next two weeks. The Planning Board and Cultural Diversity Committee both have remote meetings scheduled for this Tuesday (July 27) at 7 pm. The following week the Veterans Advisory Committee (August 4, 7pm) and the Board of Adjustment (August 5, 7pm) will meet.

With the expiration of the Governor’s COVID Emergency Declaration on July 31, all board and advisory board meetings will resume as in-person meetings on August 1.


News Around Town: Filing has closed for the 2023/24 Board of Commissioners campaign season.
Current Mayor John Higdon will run unopposed. Eight Matthews residents have declared candidacy for the Board: Dani Burnham, Renee Garner, Gina Hoover, Heather Spicer Laws, Ken McCool, Mark Tofano, John Urban, and Larry Whitley. The first candidate forum will take place at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church, 381 Crestdale Rd., on August 17 at 7pm. Election day for Matthews commissioners is Tuesday, November 2, 2021.

One Good Thing: It was a busy night on the green (green-adjacent?) in front of Town Hall as interested community members attended the Silver Line open house. A steady flow of people visited pop up tents with details of the soft plans for the future Silver Line. The open house provided opportunity for input and feedback on the alignment, priorities, transit oriented design, and station design. The highlight of spending time engaged with the town on a hot summer evening? A cup of flavored Italian ice as a thanks for participating.

Don’t Forget:

  • Tuesday, August 3, 6pm - 9pm: National Night Out with Matthews Police at Stumptown Park, 120 S. Trade. This annual event, in it's 37th year, encourages neighborhoods to meet as one community and get to know each other as well as the Officers who serve it.

  • August 17, 7pm: Matthews Board of Commissioners Candidate Forum will take place at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church, 381 Crestdale Rd.
