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Morning Minute: Friday, July 30, 2021

News About Town: Matthews Gives Back is back! Area churches and nonprofits are partnering with the police department for Matthews Gives Back School Supply Drive. If you would like to donate new supplies check out the online shopping list through Amazon. If your child needs supplies, fill out this application or call the HELP Center (704-847-8383). Join the police and the program sponsors for a community cook-out and supply giveaway on August 20 at Matthews Sportsplex Field 6, 1505 Tank Town Rd.


News Around Town: Did you know Mecklenburg County offers limited spots of free pre-k for county residents? Applications are currently open, and the department has extended offices hours to help applicants with the form. The county partners with four- and five-star childcare centers throughout the area to provide pre-k education to children who are or will be four years old before August 31. Find out more or apply online here.

One Fun Thing: Generations Corvette Club will be at Mac’s Speed Shop tomorrow (July 31) at 5pm. The club’s members have Corvettes spanning back to the sixties. Feast your eyes on some metal, satiate your desire for smoked meat, then stay for the aural treat that is singer-songwriter Austin McNeill, who takes the mic at 6pm.

Don’t Forget:

  • Tuesday, August 3, 6pm - 9pm: National Night Out with Matthews Police at Stumptown Park, 120 S. Trade. This annual event, in it's 37th year, encourages neighborhoods to meet as one community and get to know each other as well as the Officers who serve it.

  • August 17, 7pm: Matthews Board of Commissioners Candidate Forum will take place at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church, 381 Crestdale Rd.
