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Goodnight my friends
Sleep well tonight
For tomorrow
We write again
About yesterday
Then yesterday we
Will document our
Words and file them
Into the lagoons of
The past
For today is the
Tomorrow that we
Yearned for yesterday
And the future lies ahead
Waiting for our ink
Upon its’ paper
Presenting us with yet
Another chance
As we add our thoughts
And become a duet
With the pendulum
That meters time
Sweet dreams, sleep well
At dawn we meet
To begin the
Journey again

By Lorraine Stark

Knitting Suite

Knitting Suite

Down the street
Neighbors would meet
At the knitting suite
Where an old rusted bell
Broke the spell
Of knitting needles
Knit 1 Pearle 2 across
The stitches flew
From baby booties
To sweaters, scarfs
And blankets
Over tea the busy bees
Did sip and knit and chat
While rainbows of fibers
Danced like angels
In the glow of sunlight
Upon old plank floors
There they sat knittin
That special pair of mittens
To cover hands from cold
And with each stitch
Their stories did unfold
Of neighborhood gossip
And news
Unlike Madame Defarge
They knitted and
Refined each story
From a ball of yarn
That carried love
Straight from their

By Lorraine Stark



Whether it be
Hard or soft cover
Spiral, satin ribbon
Or hand bound
On each page
A new world
To those whose
Knowledge thirsts
Whatever subject
Can be pursued
And a part of your
Questions and
Answers will be
When you explore
Behind the title and
Its all left for you
To discover
Inside a book
A silent gift
You receive
Each time you read

By Lorraine Stark