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Knitting Suite

Knitting Suite

Down the street
Neighbors would meet
At the knitting suite
Where an old rusted bell
Broke the spell
Of knitting needles
Knit 1 Pearle 2 across
The stitches flew
From baby booties
To sweaters, scarfs
And blankets
Over tea the busy bees
Did sip and knit and chat
While rainbows of fibers
Danced like angels
In the glow of sunlight
Upon old plank floors
There they sat knittin
That special pair of mittens
To cover hands from cold
And with each stitch
Their stories did unfold
Of neighborhood gossip
And news
Unlike Madame Defarge
They knitted and
Refined each story
From a ball of yarn
That carried love
Straight from their

By Lorraine Stark