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Morning Minute: Friday, December 13, 2019

News About Town: We asked about recycling glass and the Town clarified: glass was accidentally omitted from the postcard that was mailed out. It should be included on the Please Recycle list.

Yesterday the Town hosted a Holiday Lunch, and dinner for those who work later shifts, for town staff. The lunch, held at Crews Road Rec Center, was filled with the holiday spirit, more than a few ugly sweaters, and plenty of Matthews pride. Staff enjoyed a meal of turkey, stuffing, and more before Parks and Rec hosted musical bingo.


One Fun Thing: Looking for something festive to do this weekend? Matthews Playhouse of the Performing Art presents It’s A Wonderful Life this weekend and next (December 13th-December 22nd ) with Friday, Saturday, and Sunday shows. Tickets and information at

Rainbow Express Ministries is a growing community offering children and young adults with and without disabilities, opportunities to learn, grow, and share their talents with others. This Sunday, December 15, from 5:30 - 7:30 pm, drive or walk by the Rainbow Express house at the corner of Fullwood and Talbot Ct to see members reenact the Nativity.

Don't Forget:   If you enjoy Christmas music, make sure to hear the Matthews Concert Band this Friday, December 13, at Matthews United Methodist Church. The performance begins at 7:30 pm.

Sunday, December 15, from 4 to 6 pm, tour the Nancy Reid House, guided by docents from the Matthews Heritage Museum. Dr. & Mrs. Reid (reenactors, not the ghosts) will greet visitors and set the tone for celebrations of Christmas-Past. The event is free, and light refreshments will be served.