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dog owners

Meet Your Neighbors: Canine Edition

A drive around town will find any number of dog owners and their pets contentedly walking the byways, as the Matthews Beacon found during one 72 hour period...

Matthews resident, Susan Morris,  72, holding 11-year-old poodle, Tippa, on a cold brisk early morning walk. “She was nosing my leg because she was tired,” said Susan before picking her up.

MoRa resident, Noel Lance, 41, makes it a point to drive to Matthews at least once/week to walk 10-month-old Black Mouth Cur, Winston (Winny), around town. Lance says it’s a way to alter the scenery and get coffee, too. “I love the small town feel,” said Lance, echoing so many others. 

Ricki Crowder, 33, of Matthews, with nine-month-old Great Pyrenees, Lyra, during an especially cold, gloomy day. Although Lyra is walked about one mile each morning and each late afternoon, this early afternoon walk had everything to do with a break in the weather.   "We've been stuck inside with rain for the past few days," said Ricki. "I wanted to get out some energy while the skies were clear." 

Elaine Berton, 37, on her normal morning walk with six-year-old Bullmastiff, Shelby. “It’s a great way to start my day,” said Elaine, “and she loves it!”