News About Town: News About Town: The Matthews Board of Commissioners meets tonight at 7 PM for their second session this month. Topics to be covered include the design of the North Trade and Matthews Station Street intersection, the plans for the I-485 interchange at Weddington Road, and the formation of the Matthews Committee on Education. Sign up for Public Comment outside the Hood Room prior to the meeting if you wish to speak on any town issue
Photo by Norah Burke
News Around Town: Looks like things are getting spooky in Matthews! There are lots of events to get you in the Halloween spirit this week, including a Costume and Candy Crawl on Thursday at the Matthews Township Shopping Center (formerly Matthews Festival, 1811 Matthews Township Parkway). The event is free for children 12 and under. There will be face painting, balloon artists, a costume contest, and – of course – candy. The event runs from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Image courtesy Matthews Township Shopping Center
One Fun Thing: Weird holiday alert! October 22 is National Eat a Pretzel Day, International Caps Lock Day, National Color Day, and National Nut Day! CELEBRATE THEM ALL BY EATING A MULTICOLORED PEANUT BUTTER PRETZEL.