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Matthews Morning Minute: September 18, 2018

News About Town: In August the Board of Commissioners delayed until October 8 to vote on an Overlay district for 3 Small Area Plans located around Matthews. The districts include the Entertainment District (which includes acreage around the Sportsplex), John Street/Outerloop (largely undeveloped property outside of 485), and Monroe Road Corridor (light industrial uses along Monroe Road around Family Dollar). The purpose of Small Area Plan Overlays (SAP-O) is to give the town enforcement capability with the three Small Area Plan policies. The Planning Department published an Impact by Area pdf, a 21-page detailed document further explaining the roles of SAP-Os. Public comments and concerns can be found here. The Town is hosting a meeting regarding the Small Area Plan Overlay on September 22 from 9 AM until noon. The Board will vote on the Overlay at the regularly scheduled Council meeting Oct 8.


News Above Town: Florence has moved along, but is the rain over? The Magic 8 Ball says outlook good; The Weather Channel shows a break in the downpour, but the rain will start back up next week. As for today, appreciate clearer skies, lower humidity, and a high around 88.

One Good Thing: Beantown Tavern Annual Golf Tournament takes place Monday, September 24, 2018. Cost is $125 per player and includes green fees, balls, and a cart as well as three meals (one of which is dinner at Beantown) and a vodka bar. Call 704-849-2023 for more information.