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Morning Minute: October 26, 2018

Photo by Norah Burke 

Photo by Norah Burke 

Some Fun Things: Looking for Halloween fun? There’s plenty of fun for everyone!

  • Today, October 26 through Tuesday, October 30, the Matthews Playhouse is ready to scare you silly on the Haunted Trail! Each day from 6 until 7 PM things are on the tame side of terrifying, but from 7 PM until closing at 10 PM there's no telling how frightful things will get. Tickets are $7 for 12 years and under and $10 for 13 years and older.  Located on the Greenway Connector Trail behind the Community Center, 100 McDowell St East.   

  • Matthews Mojo Halloween Costume Run! Let’s cut to the chase, you’re going to eat a lot of candy. A LOT OF CANDY. Why not prep for Halloween by giving your costume a dress rehearsal and run on October 27 (8 AM til about 10 AM). Think of it as preemptively neutralizing the sugar?Post-run wind down with a (few?)  pumpkin beers and hang out with like-minded people.

  • Don’t forget the Town’s Not-So-Spooky Halloween and Pumpkin Carving Contest, this Saturday, October 27, from 5 PM to 9 PM in Stumptown Park. The evening starts with festive fun and will end with the movie “Halloweentown”.

  • Mount Moriah Church, 381 Crestdale Rd, is hosting a Trunk or Treat on Halloween with food and games. It’s open to everyone and costumes should be based on book characters. The festivities start at 6:30 PM and will go to 8:30PM.

  • If you don’t have kids and want something to do, Halloween Bike Night is the season-ender on October 31 at Kristopher’s (at the Corner of Matthews-Mint Hill Road & Trade Street). The fun starts at 6 PM and you’ll want to get there in time to see bikers arrive in costume.