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Morning Minute: Tuesday, March 12, 2019

News About Town: Last night’s council meeting, in the absence of Mayor Paul Bailey, was led by Mayor Pro Tem John Higdon. It was a rapidly moving meeting with lots of Town business covered, though perhaps most surprising was regarding the recent land-clearing on Monroe Road for Residences Galleria, a 250-unit apartment complex to be built across from Family Dollar. During the rezoning process, the developer and nearby residents agreed upon specific areas for tree save. This week as land clearing began, approximately 200 trees marked to be saved were cut down. Taft Development Group is facing a $50,000 zoning violation fine from the Town and will pay a self-imposed fine of $100,000 in addition. Taft will also plant trees approximately 6-inches in diameter when construction is complete to repopulate the tree save area. 

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News Around Town:  The Silver Brush Art Society has a show hanging at Novant Health Hospital Matthews in the lobby. The group of mostly painters (and one photographer/potter) formed in 1998 and typically curates 4 shows a year, plus a November show where sales benefit a local nonprofit. In the past, the Silver Brush has given proceeds to Matthews Help Center, Blessed Assurance Adult Day Care, and the Matthews Free Medical Clinic. The current show at Novant Health Hospital will be on display until March 30.

One Good Thing: Today (March 12) is the final day to shop the winter clothes at the Matthews HELP Center. Stop by Backporch Treasures, get a brown grocery bag from the clerk and fill it up for one flat price of $5. The shop will be closed tomorrow to change out the inventory for spring fashions but will reopen March 14.

It's also Matthews resident (and Beacon Dad) Scott Garner's birthday. If you know him, wish him a big ol' Happy Birthday!