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tree save

Morning Minute: Tuesday, May 21, 2019

News About Town: On Tuesday, May 14 the police department posted security camera images of a man and woman who used stolen credit cards on May 9 at a Matthews gas station. By Thursday, May 16, Matthews Police were able to apprehend the pair, thanks in part to helpful tips from Matthews residents. 

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News Around Town: Wildlife rescuers are on overload with rescued baby birds this time of year, so think before you "rescue." If you're outside and find a baby, first notice whether it's a fledgling (covered in down and feathers) or a nestling (nearly naked). If it's a nestling, try and put it back in its nest. If it's a fledgling, the odds are good a parent is around and watching you and its baby. If it's injured, that's another story. In that case, contact a wildlife rehabber or Carolina Waterfowl Rescue.

One Fun Thing: Calling all bakers of all ages! This Saturday is the Annual Baking Competition at the Matthews Farmers' Market. The Market is looking for "All Things Strawberry" so pop on your chef's hat and mix up your best strawberry creation. Head to for rules and entry form. Entries will be judged by a panel of food experts including renowned Chef Peter Reinhart of Johnson & Wales University. It's sure to be a (straw)berry good time!

Morning Minute: Monday, May 20, 2019

News About Town:  According to Mayor Bailey, the State Transportation Board approved funds this past week to widen Crestdale Road. The widening has been discussed for several years now, with broad public support from the Crestdale neighborhood (see public comments). The board also approved delaying East John Street. NCDOT engineer Scott Cole explained in an April meeting, "funding for [the John Street] project will remain committed until the project resumes in 2025."


News Around Town: Recently a row of pine trees were removed from in front of the fence line at Sardis Plantation on Highway 51. According to HOA members, the pines were planted in a man-made berm. This instability, plus the aging of the trees, led to a decision to remove them as a precautionary measure. The Sardis Plantation HOA is discussing the appropriate plants to replace the pines.

One Good Thing: Matthews Police Department will host their next "Coffee with a Cop" this Friday, May 24th at Starbucks (2233 Matthews Township Parkway, Suite A). Take the opportunity to get to know some of our officers, ask questions, and discuss concerns. The event runs from 9am to 11am. 

Rezoning: Bainbridge Matthews (Matthews-Mint Hill Road)

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Land clearing has begun for Bainbridge Matthews, a future development located on Matthews-Mint Hill Road near Butler High School. This land was formerly the Oakhaven Mobile Home Park, Overcash homestead, and Query Homestead.

On December 11, 2017, the Board of Commissioners approved Rezoning Request 2017-663 with Higdon, Miller, Ross, Whitley and Urban in favor and Taylor and Melton opposed. The property, totaling 30.752 acres, was rezoned from R-12, O(CD), R-MH, RU, and BH to R-12MF(CD).

(What do those zoning codes mean? There’s a chart for that.)

Now demolished, the Overcash home, built in 1921, had significant remodeling and was therefore not a good candidate for historic preservation or relocation. The barn was in fair condition, but the Town had little need for it after repurposing the Idlewild Road barn. A log cabin on the site is likely over 100 years old was offered to the town for historic preservation. The cabin will need some reconditioning.

The multifamily Bainbridge Matthews complex consists of 350 rental units, including both apartments and townhomes. Two pocket parks will flank the entrance at Northeast Parkway and will be available for public use daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The developer will construct the portion on Northeast Parkway that will run through their property, as well as a multi-use path on one side and a sidewalk on the other. The developer has accounted for 18 bike parking spots throughout the complex.

Though not noted on the original staff report, in October 2017 the Planning Department added the following information:

  • CMS indicates this project will generate 128 new students for Crown Point Elementary, Mint Hill Middle, and Butler High School. by this project.

  • The trip generation report indicates a total of 2,245 cars per day.

Bainbridge will preserve at least 15% of the existing tree canopy (a minimum tree save of 4.79 acres) as directed by R12-MF zoning. The majority of tree save is along property boundaries.

In the process of approving any new development the board discusses the affect on town services, the tax base, and projected tax revenue from the project. Prior to development the tax revenue was $16,700 (total for both parcels), the anticipated tax revenue (after construction) is an estimated $128,000.

If you’re looking for the Cliff Notes version, here’s a handy dandy summary:

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Morning Minute: Wednesday, April 3, 2019

News About Town: Matthews Police Department's own Captian Roy Sisk recently completed the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy (Class # 275). The course is a 10-week intensive at the FBI training facility in Quantico, Virginia. Captain Sisk started in January and finished in mid-March. Content included law, behavioral science, forensic science, understanding terrorism and terrorists’ mindsets, leadership development, communication, and wellness. Less than one percent of US law enforcement officers complete this training and Captain Sisk brought what he learned back to Matthews to share with the department.  

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News Around Town: Windstream Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries have filed voluntary petitions for financial reorganization under Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection. Operations are expected to continue as normal, and employees will continue to receive their usual pay and benefits. Windstream is one primary internet service provider for Matthews.

One Good Thing: This Sunday support local artists at the McDowell Arts Center (123 East McDowell St.). Students from Eileen Schwartz's art groups, Art for Veterans and The McDowell Group, a special group with talent, will have their work on display and some items will be for sale. 

Morning Minute: Tuesday, April 2, 2019

News About Town: Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church was the victim of property damage once again last Friday. Matthews Police Department is looking for assistance in identifying two suspects, who were caught on video cameras at the church ( Anyone with information on the incident is encouraged to contact Detective Chris Duryee (

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News Around Town: According to the NC Constitution Article IX, Section 7, “the clear proceeds of all penalties and forfeitures...for any breach of the penal laws of the State, shall belong to and remain in the several counties, and shall be...used exclusively for maintaining free public schools." In relation to recent news, the Article dedicates the fines incurred by Taft Family Ventures along Monroe Road to Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, rather than for replanting trees cut down within the dedicated tree save area. The voluntary fee provided by the developer (in the amount of $100,000) may be used for replanting or as the Town deems appropriate.  

One Good Thing: Gather a little vitamin D, breathe some fresh air, then soak up the post-exercise endorphins with yoga in the park. This Friday, join Elinor Edvi-Miller at Stumptown Park for a free session of vinyasa flow and deep stretch yoga from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The program will continue for five more Fridays throughout April and May for the cost of $25 for the series.

#FiveForFriday: A Morning Minute News Round Up

This #FiveForFriday Morning Minute News Round Up is for the week of March 11 through March 15, 2019.

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News About Town {updated}: Matthews police have identified the body found on East John St. as Mr. Shawn Antonio Horton (DOB – 07/14/1972) of Charlotte, NC. His body was found in a ditch on the 1800 block of E. John Street (the outer side of John St. past I-485). A damaged silver and purple Huffy bicycle was found nearby. The victim seems to have died several weeks ago. As police piece together Mr. Horton’s last few days, they’re asking for tips and leads. If you have any, call Matthews Police Department at 704-847-5555.

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News About Town: Last night’s council meeting, in the absence of Mayor Paul Bailey, was led by Mayor Pro Tem John Higdon. It was a rapidly moving meeting with lots of Town business covered, though perhaps most surprising was regarding the recent land-clearing on Monroe Road for Residences Galleria, a 250-unit apartment complex to be built across from Family Dollar. During the rezoning process, the developer and nearby residents agreed upon specific areas for tree save. This week as land clearing began, approximately 200 trees marked to be saved were cut down. Taft Development Group is facing a $50,000 zoning violation fine from the Town and will pay a self-imposed fine of $100,000 in addition. Taft will also plant trees approximately 6-inches in diameter when construction is complete to repopulate the tree save area.

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News About Town: According to the Town website, the Trade Street widening at the culvert (where Trade forks off to Weddington and Pleasant Plains) is supposed to be complete this spring. At Monday night’s Council meeting, NCDOT representative Stuart Basham provided updates and a revised completion date. Currently, the contractor, Blythe Construction, has increased the size of the crew but is incurring liquidated damages of $1,000 per day. According to Stuart, the project is expected to be completed by Labor Day.

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News About Town: During the NCDOT updates at the Monday Council meeting, some conversation centered on the John St. Widening. Even the Town has been formulating their own approach, NCDOT has continued moving forward with design from Matthews to Monroe. According to Mayor Bailey, NCDOT and the Town are on the same page to delay construction on the portion from I-485 to Trade. The part of John St from I-485 eastward will continue with design and ROW acquisition. Now the Town must present this preference to the CRTPO (the municipal governing body for Charlotte area transportation) to amend the official STIP (a scheduled list of funded transportation projects). It’s a bureaucratic process to change the NCDOT budget in order to delay the downtown Matthews section.

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News About Town: Matthews residents have a new park option. The playground equipment at Rice Road Park, a 9.5 acre parcel at 2530 Rice Road, has been installed and is ready for play! The work recently finished, Phase I, included driveway access into the park, an on-site walking trail, one sidewalk connection from Rice Road into the park, playground facilities, parking lot, lighting, benches, and picnic tables, as well as landscaping. According to the Town’s Facebook page, Phase II of the park will include a picnic shelter, additional seating, and enhanced natural areas around the walking trail.

Rezoning: 10252 Monroe Road

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Land clearing began last week for Residences Galleria (formerly called Proximity Matthews), the apartment complex going up across from Family Dollar on Monroe Road. The project is a 250-unit rental community consisting of both multifamily buildings and townhomes.

The developer, Taft Development / Income Investments, LLC, applied for rezoning in September of 2016. The 21.668-acre property at 10252 Monroe Road was zoned R-VS (residential, varied style with a higher density). The 2016 application requested rezoning to R-12 MF (CD) (residential, multi-family, conditional use).

On February 13, 2017 five members of the Board of Commissioners (Taylor, Melton, Higdon, Miller, and Whitley) voted in favor of approving rezoning application 2016-652. Commissioner Ross opposed. Commissioner Urban, also the architect on the project, was excused from voting.

In 2015 a rezoning application for a 350-unit development on the same property was unanimously denied (Taylor, Pata, Higdon, Melton, Miller, Query, and Ross).

Residences Galleria will contain garden apartments ranging in size from 750 square feet for a one-bedroom to 1350 square feet for a three-bedroom. The townhomes will be two- and three-bedroom.

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In addition to the building construction, Taft will place a concrete pad Charlotte Area Transit System stop on Monroe Road. They have also committed to constructing a portion of Sardis Greenway along the rear of the property, between the new development and Sardis Forest neighborhood. Plans include moving the current street-adjacent sidewalk along Monroe Road will be moved further back onto the property. While the agreement for rezoning included saving the mature trees near Monroe Rd. many of those trees were cut down. Taft will pay a fine to the Town of Matthews in the amount of $150,000 for a violation of the rezoning agreement.

The project includes means for protecting the historic Rosedale Cemetery such as removing dead plant debris by hand, a perimeter fence, and an easement for public parking for access to the cemetery.

Though requested, Town Staff had not received a response from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in time to be included in the Staff Report presented to Town Council. According to CMS, this project will add 80 new students: 51 at Greenway Park Elementary, 12 at McClintock, and 17 at East Mecklenburg High. According to 2017 data (when the project was approved), this project will put the schools at 133%, 82%, and 112% capacity respectively.

Read also:

Morning Minute: Tuesday, March 12, 2019

News About Town: Last night’s council meeting, in the absence of Mayor Paul Bailey, was led by Mayor Pro Tem John Higdon. It was a rapidly moving meeting with lots of Town business covered, though perhaps most surprising was regarding the recent land-clearing on Monroe Road for Residences Galleria, a 250-unit apartment complex to be built across from Family Dollar. During the rezoning process, the developer and nearby residents agreed upon specific areas for tree save. This week as land clearing began, approximately 200 trees marked to be saved were cut down. Taft Development Group is facing a $50,000 zoning violation fine from the Town and will pay a self-imposed fine of $100,000 in addition. Taft will also plant trees approximately 6-inches in diameter when construction is complete to repopulate the tree save area. 

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News Around Town:  The Silver Brush Art Society has a show hanging at Novant Health Hospital Matthews in the lobby. The group of mostly painters (and one photographer/potter) formed in 1998 and typically curates 4 shows a year, plus a November show where sales benefit a local nonprofit. In the past, the Silver Brush has given proceeds to Matthews Help Center, Blessed Assurance Adult Day Care, and the Matthews Free Medical Clinic. The current show at Novant Health Hospital will be on display until March 30.

One Good Thing: Today (March 12) is the final day to shop the winter clothes at the Matthews HELP Center. Stop by Backporch Treasures, get a brown grocery bag from the clerk and fill it up for one flat price of $5. The shop will be closed tomorrow to change out the inventory for spring fashions but will reopen March 14.

It's also Matthews resident (and Beacon Dad) Scott Garner's birthday. If you know him, wish him a big ol' Happy Birthday!

#FiveForFriday: A Morning Minute News Round Up

This #FiveForFriday Morning Minute News Round Up is for the week of March 4 through March 8, 2019.

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News Around Town: Gov Roy Cooper appointed Donald Cureton to Judicial District 26 (Mecklenburg County) on February 28. Judge Cureton, an incumbent who lost his District 26A seat to Judge Paulina Havelka in November, fills the seat vacated by Judge Louis A. Trosch, Jr. Judge Trosch now serves the Superior Court of NC.

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News About Town: Child Passenger Safety Seat Technicians will perform a safety check for children’s car seats tomorrow, March 6, at the Matthews Police Station, 1201 Crews Road. From 8 a.m until 11:30 a.m. certified technicians will check seat installation for free, no appointment necessary. Bring the vehicle, seat, and child, if possible. The process will take about 20 minutes. If you can’t make it on the 6th, Safe Kids Char-Meck provides this service every other week in Matthews.

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One Good Thing: One Good Thing: According to, Matthews ranks as the seventh safest city in North Carolina. Admittedly not a well-known website, the site used what appears to be a comprehensive methodology to arrive at their list. We know the Police Department is continually striving to provide a safe town for Matthews and it shows. Congratulations are in order!

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News About Town: At Monday’s Town Council Meeting, the Council will have a Public Hearing regarding a change to the Unified Development Ordinance. This change is to the  Approved Tree List and Shrub List (Zoning Motion 2019-1). Changes to the list include the addition of several native species of trees, shrubs, vines, and groundcovers and the exclusion of the most invasive species, such as Chanticleer pears, a cousin to the shallow-rooted, ornamental Bradford pears commonly planted throughout subdivisions of the 70s and 80s.

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News About Town: As we indicated yesterday morning, the Monday (March 11) night Board of Commissioner’s meeting agenda is available online.  Items of note include allocating funds for Conceptual Downtown Streetscape Design Work (approved at the last meeting for the amount of $41,250.00), as well as the formal initiation of Zoning Motion 2019-2 to rezone the Stronghaven warehouse property on John Street and Brigman property in the ENT District. There will also be updates on NCDOT projects, Red Brick Partnership, and Republic Services (the Town’s solid waste provider).