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Morning Minute: Friday, May 10, 2019

News About Town: At 5:30 this Monday, prior to the regular town council meeting, Town Manager Hazen Blodgett will present his recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2019/20. Creating a municipal budget is a lengthy process that typically starts in February when individual town departments generate a budget to meet their needs. Those budgets are then submitted to the Assistant Town Manager and the Finance Director, who advise the Manager. The Town Manager, as Budget Director, creates a recommended budget to present to the Town Council. As of November 30, 2018, the town has had a vacancy in the Finance Director position.  

News Around Town: Speaking of budgets, County Manager Dena Diorio presented her recommended budget yesterday. We haven't studied the budget in depth (at all), but the graphic (seen above, click on the image to see it in full) explaining the budget is a great introduction. Of note, the budget doesn't fulfill all of the budget requests made by CMS, but does increase salaries for locally funded employees.

One Fun Thing:  Saturday, May 11, 2019 (That's tomorrow) the Matthews Community Farmers’ Market (8:00 AM -12:00 PM) is having herb day! The Charlotte Herb Guild and bringing their Herbal A-Game with plants, crafts, and all around planterly fun. Herbs not up your alley? The regular vendors will be there, too, providing the high-quality, super-local goodies you expect.