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the loyalist

Morning Minute: Friday, May 10, 2019

News About Town: At 5:30 this Monday, prior to the regular town council meeting, Town Manager Hazen Blodgett will present his recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2019/20. Creating a municipal budget is a lengthy process that typically starts in February when individual town departments generate a budget to meet their needs. Those budgets are then submitted to the Assistant Town Manager and the Finance Director, who advise the Manager. The Town Manager, as Budget Director, creates a recommended budget to present to the Town Council. As of November 30, 2018, the town has had a vacancy in the Finance Director position.  

News Around Town: Speaking of budgets, County Manager Dena Diorio presented her recommended budget yesterday. We haven't studied the budget in depth (at all), but the graphic (seen above, click on the image to see it in full) explaining the budget is a great introduction. Of note, the budget doesn't fulfill all of the budget requests made by CMS, but does increase salaries for locally funded employees.

One Fun Thing:  Saturday, May 11, 2019 (That's tomorrow) the Matthews Community Farmers’ Market (8:00 AM -12:00 PM) is having herb day! The Charlotte Herb Guild and bringing their Herbal A-Game with plants, crafts, and all around planterly fun. Herbs not up your alley? The regular vendors will be there, too, providing the high-quality, super-local goodies you expect.  

Morning Minute: Thursday, May 9, 2019

News About Town: During Monday's (May 13) Board of Commissioner's meeting, the Board will hold a public hearing for three properties the Planning Department noted as "may not be appropriate from either a current or future land use perspective." These three properties under consideration include the Stronghaven warehouse on East John (I-1), the AMF Bowling Alley on Brigman Road, and a vacant parcel adjacent to the Woodspring Suites on Matthews-Mint Hill Road. The parcels are currently Industrial and Highway Business. The motion would downzone the properties to R-12 and R-15. Two properties are within the ENT zone, which calls for higher density residential than R-12 and R-15.


News Around Town: Atrium Health and the Greater Charlotte YMCA have partnered to create the Wellness on Wheels program (@WOWCLT). WOWCLT covers territory all over the greater Charlotte area and “provides health screenings, nutrition education and lifestyle management to prevent high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases” for free. The unit will stop at Mount Moriah Church (381 Crestdale Rd., Matthews) from 3 to 6 p.m. on May 16 (and the third Thursday of every month at that same time). No appointment is necessary.

One Fun Thing:  Tomorrow (evening we’re partnering up with Good Cup Coffee and The Loyalist for a Mother's Day Twilight Artisan Pop Up Market. Stop by the Loyalist for dinner, enjoy a Good Cup coffee, find a gift for a mom or yourself, then head on up the road to enjoy some beach music at Beach Fest. We’ll have all your favorite Matthews gear, other artists will have an assortment of handcrafted wearables, hand-poured candles, and more. Consider your Friday night planned!

Morning Minute: November 21, 2018

News About Town: The Matthews Police and Fire Departments are teaming up for the first annual “Matthews Public Safety Year In Review”.  Because our emergency response departments look at Matthews in three zones, there will be three meetings: North, Middle, and South. Each meeting will be a town-hall style and is a prime opportunity for anyone who is ever in Matthews to learn about public safety in 2018 and what to expect from the departments in 2019. Meeting dates and locations are listed on the Town’s website.

response zone.jpg

News Around Town: The Matthews Help Center has launched their 2018 HOPE Fundraising Campaign to continue serving Matthews-area residents in-need with financial assistance and counseling. The HELP Center does not apply for government funding, so their $1.3 million budget relies on sales from Backporch Treasures (the thrift store), grants, and donations. This season The Leon Levine Foundation will match all NEW donor gifts between now and December 31st. To contribute, donate online at or mail a check to PO Box 91 Matthews, NC 28106.

Special Election Update: Following Tuesday's recount, Rachel Hunt has been declared the winner in the NC House District 103 race. In the end, just 68 votes separated Ms. Hunt and Mr. Brawley, making the case for the importance of every single vote.

One Good Thing: If you haven’t seen our call for artists and businesses all over the internet, we’re working hard behind the scenes to bring you a Hyperlocal Holiday Gift Guide. The Good Cup and The Loyalist Market are hosting a Hyperlocal Small Business Saturday Pop-Up event and have offered our Hyperlocal Holiday Guide participants the opportunity to join. Stop by on Saturday, November 24, from noon till 3 PM in the courtyard beside the market and shop small in Matthews.