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Morning Minute: Thursday, September 12, 2019

News About Town: Town Council once again discussed ways to use tourism dollars to prepare for the Republican National Convention. The board approved $84,000 in projects, which includes replacing aging banners, adding landscaping and planters throughout the town, and additional flower baskets further down Trade St. toward Stumptown Park. 

News Around Town: In honor of September 11, Hemby Bridge firefighter Tyler Kaul took to the Brace YMCA Stairmaster. Kaul dressed in full turnout gear to climb 120 floors, representing the number of stories climbed by emergency responders in NYC on 9/11. 

One Fun Thing: Happy National School Picture Day? Probably created by the industry, the celebration for immortalizing awkward youth falls on the Second Thursday in September. How does one join in the fun? Post your favorite school pics on social media and tag them #NationalSchoolPictureDay. Make sure you @MatthewsBeacon, too, because we want in on the fun as well.