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Morning Minute: Tuesday, January 14, 2020

News About Town: After originally filing in May 2019 for rezoning from I-1 to I-1 (CD), the Stronghaven Warehouse at 433 East John St. site plan has been approved. The warehouse has been using its John St. loading dock to receive and load shipments. With this new plan, the warehouse docks will face Charles St. and trucks will access the site by Charles Buckley Way or Charles St. New landscaping will line a large portion of the John St. side, leaving a small apron for employee’s cars. Charles St. will also have some landscaping, continuing the style along Charles Buckley Way.


News Around Town: Duke and Penn State lacrosse fans will swarm Matthews in February, when the teams play at the Sportsplex. The top-10 matchup will be played Feb. 22; tickets range from $12 (for youth) to $50, with access to the endzone fieldhouse.

One Good Thing: The Town of Matthews is seeking board members for various Town advisory boards. If you’re interested in becoming more involved, there are many opportunities to jump right in. These boards meet monthly and examine issues to be presented to the Board of Commissioners for consideration. Contact Lori Canapinno, Town Clerk, at 704-708-1222 with questions. To apply: complete an application and submit it to Lori via email (

Don’t Forget: Community members are invited to the Fourth Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, a collaborative event organized by Matthews United Methodist and Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist churches. The film and walk to Town Hall will start at 2:00 pm on January 19, at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist (381 Crestdale Road).