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Morning Minute: Friday, January 18, 2019

News About Town: At Monday’s Council meeting the Board approved two zoning motions: 2018-692 and 2018-693. The property for Motion 692 is at the corner of Ames St. and West John St. The application for rezoning was unanimously approved, and zoning changed from R-20 (single-family - minimum lot size 20,000 square feet ) to O (CD) (office, conditional use). The properties for Motion 693 included several properties in the Crestdale neighborhood. The rezoning was a request to change from Crestadale Conservation zoning code CrC (old) to CrC (new). The new code essentially changes the approval process for any construction other than single-family homes to undergo a site plan and elevation approval process rather than the previously required quasi-judicial system (similar to a Variance Board hearing). The Board unanimously approved this rezoning.


News Around Town:  Although we posted this a few days ago, it’s an event worth repeating and attending. This Sunday, January 20, join Pastor Larry Whitley at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church (381 Crestdale Rd.) at 2:00 p.m. for the Third Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, Peaceful March & Commemorative Worship. After a brief presentation about civil rights, attendees will gather outside to walk to Town Hall.

One Good Thing:  It’s officially Thesaurus Day, so although it’s casual Friday at work, you better fancy up your words. Grab your compendium of synonyms and orate with imperturbable verve.

Morning Minute: Thursday, January 17, 2019

News About Town: This morning at 7 a.m. the Economic Development Advisory Council will meet. On the agenda: EDAC will continue to discuss open broadband for the town, installing murals with funds from facade grants, and a Matthews-based website built in partnership with developer Lat Purser, the Matthews Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Matthews. 

News Around Town:  Started in 1982, The North Carolina Botanical Garden and the Garden Club of North Carolina, Inc. created the North Carolina Wildflower of the Year program. This year’s flower, Pycnanthemum tenuifolium, is a tenacious little plant commonly known as narrow-leaf mountain-mint. A pungent, natural insect repellent, but a friend to native bees, mountain mint grows easily in Matthews. Look for plants at the Farmers Market this spring and at the Renfrow Farms plant sale later in the year.

One Fun Thing:  Did you know, when you give to the Arts and Science Council you’ll receive a Connect with Culture Card? Show your card when you purchase tickets to the Matthews Playhouse shows and receive BOGO for regular priced adult admission (limited to Opening Weekend only). More details here.