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Martin Luther King Jr

Martin Luther King Jr. March in Matthews

Yesterday, January 20, 2019, community members gathered at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the third annual march from the church to Town Hall. The celebration and walk was originally organized in 2017 by then-Commissioner Reverend Larry Whitley following his successful efforts in 2016 to have the town recognize MLK Day as a town holiday. The walk has grown each year, with town leaders, staff, and many community members participating.

After a documentary about Dr. King, Pastor Whitley, Dr. Chuck Wilson, Mayor Paul Bailey, and Chief Clark Pennington (following a police escort) led the walk from Mount Moriah Church to Town Hall. At the destination, Pastor Whitley, Dr. Chuck Wilson (Matthews United Methodist Church), Mayor Paul Bailey, Nate Huggins (Blessed Assurance Adult Day Care), and Stelli Meyers, a youth representative from Matthews Presbyterian Church spoke on the significance of Dr. King and the importance of continuing his legacy.

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Morning Minute: Friday, January 18, 2019

News About Town: At Monday’s Council meeting the Board approved two zoning motions: 2018-692 and 2018-693. The property for Motion 692 is at the corner of Ames St. and West John St. The application for rezoning was unanimously approved, and zoning changed from R-20 (single-family - minimum lot size 20,000 square feet ) to O (CD) (office, conditional use). The properties for Motion 693 included several properties in the Crestdale neighborhood. The rezoning was a request to change from Crestadale Conservation zoning code CrC (old) to CrC (new). The new code essentially changes the approval process for any construction other than single-family homes to undergo a site plan and elevation approval process rather than the previously required quasi-judicial system (similar to a Variance Board hearing). The Board unanimously approved this rezoning.


News Around Town:  Although we posted this a few days ago, it’s an event worth repeating and attending. This Sunday, January 20, join Pastor Larry Whitley at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church (381 Crestdale Rd.) at 2:00 p.m. for the Third Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, Peaceful March & Commemorative Worship. After a brief presentation about civil rights, attendees will gather outside to walk to Town Hall.

One Good Thing:  It’s officially Thesaurus Day, so although it’s casual Friday at work, you better fancy up your words. Grab your compendium of synonyms and orate with imperturbable verve.

Morning Minute: Friday, January 4, 2018

News About Town: If you’re not familiar with Town Advisory Boards, these boards provide an opportunity for community members to play a role in the creation of town-wide policy. Advisory Boards discuss relevant topics and provide a consensus opinion to the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners takes the consensus under consideration for their decision-making. Applications for the following Boards are being accepted through January 30, 2019:

Appearance and Tree Board promotes activities and programs which enhance the visual characteristics of Matthews  in order to make Matthews a cleaner, greener, and more aesthetically pleasing community. 

Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial board that interprets town ordinances and policies for unique situations or special cases related to the town Zoning Ordinance. 

Committee on Education the most recently formed Advisory Board, acts in an advisory capacity to the Town Board on matters of interest and importance to students and parents.

Cultural Diversity Council (CDC) fosters a climate of mutual respect, greater communication, and  among the many diverse groups and communities in Matthews in order to create a more culturally competent community.

Economic Development Advisory Committee  markets the Town to assist economic development through the retention, expansion, and attraction of businesses for a robust economic base in Matthews.  Planning Board* makes recommendations on land development plans and regulations from a citizen standpoint. 

Transportation Advisory Committee assists in the development of a master transportation system plan which includes transit, road location, pedestrian and bike paths, traffic calming measures, and more.

Veterans Advisory Committee  (MVAC) promotes a strong, inclusive, and cooperative relationship between the Town of Matthews and service members, veterans and their families. 


News Around Town:  Save the date for the Third Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, Peaceful March & Commemorative Worship. Sunday, January 20, meet at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church, 381 Crestdale Road, at 2:00 p.m. for a brief program about civil rights. From there, the group will walk to Town Hall. Monday, January 21, Mt. Moriah will host a community fellowship at 8:00 a.m. followed by a commemorative service at 10:00.

One Fun Thing: This one’s for the kids! Charlotte Allstars and Gymnastics, 11011 Monroe Road, is hosting their first Friday Night Open Jump of the year. Drop off your kids from 6:00 til 9:00 p.m. for a well-supervised evening of bouncing and tumbling while you go enjoy some grown up time.