News About Town: If you’re not familiar with Town Advisory Boards, these boards provide an opportunity for community members to play a role in the creation of town-wide policy. Advisory Boards discuss relevant topics and provide a consensus opinion to the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners takes the consensus under consideration for their decision-making. Applications for the following Boards are being accepted through January 30, 2019:
Appearance and Tree Board promotes activities and programs which enhance the visual characteristics of Matthews in order to make Matthews a cleaner, greener, and more aesthetically pleasing community.
Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial board that interprets town ordinances and policies for unique situations or special cases related to the town Zoning Ordinance.
Committee on Education the most recently formed Advisory Board, acts in an advisory capacity to the Town Board on matters of interest and importance to students and parents.
Cultural Diversity Council (CDC) fosters a climate of mutual respect, greater communication, and among the many diverse groups and communities in Matthews in order to create a more culturally competent community.
Economic Development Advisory Committee markets the Town to assist economic development through the retention, expansion, and attraction of businesses for a robust economic base in Matthews. Planning Board* makes recommendations on land development plans and regulations from a citizen standpoint.
Transportation Advisory Committee assists in the development of a master transportation system plan which includes transit, road location, pedestrian and bike paths, traffic calming measures, and more.
Veterans Advisory Committee (MVAC) promotes a strong, inclusive, and cooperative relationship between the Town of Matthews and service members, veterans and their families.