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Elizabeth Lane Elementary

Morning Minute: Wednesday, July 10, 2019

News About Town: At Monday's council meeting, Dr. Clayton Wilcox, Superintendent for CMS, spoke to the board about the mobile units at Elizabeth Lane Elementary. Usually, the sunset clause is renewed annually. This year interim planning director Jay Camp suggested the board extend the provision for three or four years with hopes that in four years the Lansdowne relief school should be complete. The conversation switched quickly and amicably to traffic patterns around the school during the afternoon let out. Tensions arose when Commissioner Kress Query brought up adding video cameras to the modules, a suggestion he’s made in the past. Dr. Wilcox explained the redundancies of adding a system by the town but conceded CMS would cooperate if doing so would please the board.


News Around Town: On July 5 Animal Control was called to Novant Matthews (1500 Matthews Township Pkwy) regarding an aggressive cat. The grey, medium-sized six months old kitten, had, in fact, bitten two people. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Animal Care & Control apprehended the cat and took it for testing. The tests came back positive for rabies. If you’ve been in contact with any cats in the hospital area, the Matthews Police Department urges you to contact the Mecklenburg County Health Department immediately at 704-614-6512 or 704-589-3242.

One Good Thing: Pro Active Chiropractic (300 East John St. Suite 130) is hosting a blood drive with the American Red Cross this Friday, July 12, from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. Register online at and enter the Sponsor code “ProActive.”

Morning Minute: Friday, January 11, 2019

News About Town: We talked a little yesterday about the agenda for Monday night’s Council meeting. At the meeting the town will receive a gift of 27.64+ acres of land from Windsor Run, LLC (at the corner of Pleasant Plains and McKee). The acreage is more than what was originally outlined in the original rezoning agreement. Of interesting note, the Elizabeth Lane Elementary PTA is donating $1,000 to the Matthews Police Department. Also, the Town Council will continue discussions on draft language for a statement outlining acceptable Public Comment.


News Around Town:  If you’ve made plans to stop by Black Chicken Wine Cellar in the next couple weeks you will need to rethink your plan. The popular wine bar near town hall is closed for expansion and renovations. The Chicken has knocked down the wall between their first space and the former Subway restaurant to increase the size and soon serve food. The space is slated to reopen late February with Black Chicken Market and Black Chicken Wine Cellar. 

One Fun Thing:  Wrap up in layers and head out to the Farmer’s Market tomorrow fro 8 - 10 AM. Cold season veggies are in abundance, so expect leafy greens, sweet potatoes, and root crops. There will also be mushrooms, baked goods, and gorgeously handcrafted wares.

Morning Minute: December 27, 2018

News About Town: The Matthews Police Department is holding a community meeting to present a plan addressing traffic concerns for Elizabeth Lane Elementary. Stop by the school gymnasium on Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 6:15 P.M. to hear their plans for increasing safety and efficiency during major traffic hours. During the mini-planning conference, the Board of Commissioners heard a presentation by the Town’s Transportation Department as well as the Police Department. Some solutions included having a dedicated School Resource Officer for the school as well as encouraging bus ridership.

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News Around Town: Youth Shrine Bowls of the Carolinas’ annual Battle of the Borders is coming to the Sportsplex, 2425 Sports Parkway, this Saturday, December 29, 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Youth Shrine Bowl Athletics of the Carolinas, a nonprofit, provides fifth to eighth graders who typically can’t afford sports programs the opportunity to participate in youth sports. After rigorous tryouts, coaches select players based on detailed analysis. While the program is free, participants must fundraise to participate in the bowl, with proceeds going to local children’s hospitals. Tickets are $20.

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One Fun Thing: The Pizza Peel Matthews, 110 Matthews Station St , is throwing a New Year’s bash for the younger set. Kids will finally understand the fun of New Years with the Peel’s free buffet of cheese and pepperoni pizza, party favors, sparkling juice, and a countdown at noon. And for the parents? We don’t have to worry about grumpy kids who didn’t get enough sleep the night before! December 31, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

*Kids 12 and under, must be accompanied by a legal parent or guardian. Parents wanting pizza can have the regular weekday pizza buffet.

Morning Minute: November 28, 2018

News About Town: If you’re driving through the Elizabeth Lane Elementary school zone, be aware of posted speeds. The Town has been examining ways to make traffic flow more smoothly through the area, especially during school hours. Aside from traditional approaches such as evaluating the pattern of movement for carpool drop-off and pick-up, the police department has been gathering data such as vehicle speed and safety at crosswalks. In an effort to ensure safety for families getting to and from school, additional signs and alerts will be posted. The Matthews Police Department is also increasing patrols to enforce the speed limit and crosswalk laws.


News Around Town: This Saturday marks the beginning of the winter hours for the Matthews Community Farmers’ Market. The market will have shorter hours from 8-10 AM, but many mainstays and favorite vendors will be selling through the colder months.


One Fun Thing: Show off your architectural skills with the Matthews Chamber of Commerce 9th Annual Gingerbread House Contest. Drop off your entry at the Chamber (210 Matthews Station Street) by 4:30 PM November 30 for judging on December 1. Judging will be separated into three categories: Amateur: Child/Family: 17 yrs or younger or family group that includes a child, Amateur: Adult: 18 yrs or older or any group of amateur adults, and Professional: Bakers, Chefs, Caterers, and Artists. Each category will be judged based on first impression, proportion, artistry, difficulty, and Matthews influence.