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Engine 12

Morning Minute: October 16, 2018

News About Town: As Halloween approaches faster than you can say “boo”, it’s time to think about carving gourds into all manner of faces. (Pumpkins seem way easier to carve than beets or turnips.) The Town of Matthews wants to see what you make. Enter your creation in the Town’s Pumpkin Contest by dropping off your carved, painted, or decorated Jack O’ Lantern in the Park and Rec office behind the Free Clinic, 196-B S. Trade St., on Oct. 25 or 26. Entries will be separated into two age groups (16 and under, 17 and up) for judging. Winners will receive season tickets to Carowinds.


News Around Town: Early voting begins Wednesday! Stop in at the Matthews library and cast your ballot for the 2018 elections. Polls are open from 7:00am to 7:00pm on Wednesday, with additional schedule information available here. Not registered? No problem! North Carolina offers “One Stop” early voting where citizens can register and vote at the same time. You’ll need proof of residence (find a list of acceptable documents here). Post your “I Voted” selfies on our Facebook page!

One Good (and Fun) Thing: The Matthews Library needs your help for programming! Though they have a wide variety of classes on the schedule they’re looking for new and exciting classes to add. Have a mastery of Dungeons & Dragons? Want to explore the wonders of vermiculture? They want to know what you want to learn! Email Stephanie Lucas with your ideas.

Fire Station Open House: A Photoessay

Saturday, October 13, 2018, the Mathews Fire and EMS Department held an Engine Wetdown Ceremony and recruitment open house. The public was invited to watch as the new Engine 12 was officially launched into service. As part of the “wetdown” tradition, members of Matthews Fire & EMS Explorers used the hose from Engine 1 to soak the new Engine, then community members were invited to help dry it off before rolling the truck into its new bay. The engine was purchased and outfitted thanks to a partnership between Matthews and Novant Health. Afterward the community was welcome to explore the fire station, talk to members of the Department, and sign up as volunteers.