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Morning Minute: October 16, 2018

News About Town: As Halloween approaches faster than you can say “boo”, it’s time to think about carving gourds into all manner of faces. (Pumpkins seem way easier to carve than beets or turnips.) The Town of Matthews wants to see what you make. Enter your creation in the Town’s Pumpkin Contest by dropping off your carved, painted, or decorated Jack O’ Lantern in the Park and Rec office behind the Free Clinic, 196-B S. Trade St., on Oct. 25 or 26. Entries will be separated into two age groups (16 and under, 17 and up) for judging. Winners will receive season tickets to Carowinds.


News Around Town: Early voting begins Wednesday! Stop in at the Matthews library and cast your ballot for the 2018 elections. Polls are open from 7:00am to 7:00pm on Wednesday, with additional schedule information available here. Not registered? No problem! North Carolina offers “One Stop” early voting where citizens can register and vote at the same time. You’ll need proof of residence (find a list of acceptable documents here). Post your “I Voted” selfies on our Facebook page!

One Good (and Fun) Thing: The Matthews Library needs your help for programming! Though they have a wide variety of classes on the schedule they’re looking for new and exciting classes to add. Have a mastery of Dungeons & Dragons? Want to explore the wonders of vermiculture? They want to know what you want to learn! Email Stephanie Lucas with your ideas.

Matthews Morning Minute: September 27, 2018

News About Town: If you’re already making plans for the weekend, make time to meet the Matthews Board of Commissioners for coffee and conversation this Saturday (September 29) at 9:00 a.m. at Bruegger's Bagels (1905 Matthews Township Parkway). These gatherings are a great way to bend an ear of our local leaders and get the firsthand scoop on things going on with the Town of Matthews.

Native asters to brighten a humid day.

Native asters to brighten a humid day.

News Above Town: The Weather Channel says there’s a 90% chance of rain so grab the closest umbrella.

News Around Town: While we’re on the subject of the weekend, this Friday is the last Food Truck Friday of the season. You can’t go wrong with any of the trucks, but our friend Lynn sings high praise for Yummi Banh Mi. The Entertainers will get you dancing after you’ve filled up your belly. If you’re a drinker and plan on visiting the beer tent, bring your ID, they card. Trucks start serving at 5 and event goers will already be in line.

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One Good Thing: Matthews is a town with a giving heart, as evidenced by the incredible nonprofits based in our town. Thompson Child and Family Focus is one such nonprofit. Founded in 1886 as an orphanage, Thompson now serves at-risk children and families from four campuses. Using therapy, education and prevention-based care, in 2017 Thompson served 12,811 clients and provided 225 full-time jobs.